Volunteer Opportunities
If you have ever wondered how the College helps to ensure safe and ethical nursing for all Ontarians, then volunteering for one of our committees, focus groups or special projects is an excellent way to find out. (Volunteers interested in the following opportunities must be current members in good standing with the College.)
For more information about these opportunities, contact the College through the contact information provided with each listing.
Touchstone seeking nurses to help assess Internationally Educated Nurses
The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) is collaborating with the Centre for the Evaluation of Health Professionals Educated Abroad (CEHPEA) in the assessment of Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) seeking nursing registration in Ontario.
NCLEX Item Development Program - RNs
Canadian registered nurses are being sought for the NCLEX Item Development Program. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) develops the NCLEX-RN used to measure competencies needed to perform safely and effectively as an entry-level registered nurse. An important step in this...
Help develop questions for CPNRE
The Canadian Nurses Association and Assessment Strategies Inc. have volunteer positions for nurses from a range of settings, practice environments and roles interested in developing experimental questions for the Canadian Practical Nurse Registered Examination (CPNRE) and the Canadian Nurse Practitioner Examination (CNPE).
Help develop and review national NP registration exams
The Canadian Council of RN Regulators (CCRNR) is seeking NPs to volunteer for a variety of exam development and review activities. NPs in all specialties (Primary Health Care, Adult and Paediatrics) are invited to apply.
Help inform education requirements for RNs with authority to prescribe
We are looking for nurses who practice in wound care, immunization, smoking cessation, travel health, or contraception, to take part in focus groups. Their work will inform the framework for standards that programs will use to deliver RN prescribing educational programs within the...