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NCLEX Item Development Program - RNs

Canadian registered nurses are being sought for the NCLEX Item Development Program. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) develops the NCLEX-RN used to measure competencies needed to perform safely and effectively as an entry-level registered nurse. An important step in this process is the NCLEX Item Development program, a key component in creating and maintaining high quality examination items. The development of the NCLEX examination depends on qualified registered nurse volunteers from all jurisdictions that use the NCLEX for entry to practice.

By volunteering, you may be selected to participate as an item writer (RN educator with Master's degree) or item reviewer (practising RNs).

Volunteers must not have participated in exam development or related activities (for example, as an invigilator, proctor or participation in exam courses or guides) within the previous 24 months.

Apply to be a volunteer now

Page last reviewed January 15, 2017