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Practice Assessment and Peer Assessment
Practice Assessment is a mandatory program that assesses nurses’ knowledge of the College’s practice standards.
Each year, the College randomly selects nurses from the General and Extended classes to participate in Practice Assessment. If you are selected, you will be notified by letter in March with instruction on how to complete the Practice Assessment requirements. Nurses who are selected for Practice Assessment are required to submit their Learning Plan and complete multiple-choice objective tests online using myQA. In addition, asubset of NPs will be selected for a clinical assessment.
Need more information about Practice Assessment? See QA Resources
Peer Assessment
Practice Assessment includes a Peer Assessment.
A Peer Assessor is a College-assigned nurse with in-depth knowledge of the practice standards and guidelines and Practice Assessment requirements. Each year, Peer Assessors undergo a rigorous orientation at the College and are provided with standardized criteria to evaluate your submissions.
Once the deadline to participate in Practice Assessment has passed, the Peer Assessor will review your Learning Plan, objective multiple-choice tests results and other assessments.
The Peer Assessor will write a report for the Quality Assurance Committee. You will be sent a copy of the Peer Assessor’s report.
Quality Assurance Committee
The Quality Assurance (QA) Committee is one of the statutory committees of the College. It is made up of elected council members, public members and nurses the College appoints.
The QA Committee is responsible for ensuring members comply with all aspects of the QA Program, and makes decisions about a nurse’s participation in the QA Program by reviewing the Peer Assessor’s report. The Committee will send you a letter with their decision.