QA Resources
Forms & Guides
- myQA User Guide
- Developing SMART Learning Goals
- Practice Reflection Worksheet
- Learning Plan Form | Sample
- 2018 Practice Assessment Guide
For all nurses who have been selected to take part in Practice Assessment - 2018 Chart Review and Interview Assessment Guide
- Employer Fact Sheet: Chart Review and Interview assessment
Note: Practice Simulation Guide coming soon.
SMART Learning Goals
Watch this video and use the guide to help you write Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-limited (SMART) learning goals for your Learning Plan.
- Are your Learning Goals SMART? (video)
- Developing SMART Learning Goals (guide)
- Learning Plan Form
- Practice Reflection Worksheet
Standards and Guidelines
The College creates practice standards and guidelines to support nurses in providing safe and ethical care to the public. These documents outline the expectations and accountabilities for nurses. They apply to all nurses, regardless of their role, job description or area of practice. Use these documents to develop your Learning Plan.
Entry-to-Practice Competencies
Developed in conjunction with nursing regulators across the country, these documents describe what is expected of entry‐level registered nurses and registered practical nurses in order to provide safe and ethical nursing care in a variety of
practice settings.
- Entry-to-Practice Competencies for RNs
- Entry-to-Practice Competencies for RPNs
- Entry-Level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners
Resources for Nurse Practitioners
In addition to the two selected practice documents, Nurse Practitioners must review the Nurse Practitioner practice standard, the Entry-Level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners and the information in the NP Practice Resources section of this website.