Membership Totals at a Glance

Registered members by class

The following table shows the number of nurses registered in each class as of April 1, 2018.

RN General 106,193
Non-Practising 10,481
Extended (NP) 3,368
RPN General 52,465
Non-Practising 2,907
RNs: Registered Nurses
RPNs: Registered Practical Nurses
NPs: Nurse Practitioners  

Members in the extended class by specialty

All NPs have one or more specialty certificates. The following table shows the number of NPs by specialty certificate as of April 1, 2018.

NP-Primary Health Care 2,535
NP-Adult 614
NP-Paediatrics 241

 The College has the authority to register NPs in the Anaesthesia specialty. We currently have no one registered in this category. 

At the College of Nurses, a “member” is any individual who has a valid Certificate of Registration and is allowed to use the protected titles “nurse,” “Registered Nurse (RN),” “Registered Practical Nurse (RPN)”, “Nurse Practitioner (NP)” or “Registered Nurse (RN), non-practising” and “Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), non-practising”. Visit for more information about the College’s classes of registration.

For more information on how the College collects statistical information, see

Page last reviewed April 02, 2018