Acronym | Meaning |
BIS | Border Information Service |
BN | Business Number |
BPT | British Preferential Tariff |
Acronym | Meaning |
CADEX | Customs Automated Data Exchange System |
CAED | Canadian Automated Export Declaration |
CBSA | Canada Border Services Agency |
CCCT | Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff |
CCD | Cargo Control Document |
CCFTA | Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement |
CCI | Canada Customs Invoice |
CCRFTA | Canada-Costa-Rica Free Trade Agreement |
CCEPS | Commercial Cash Entry Processing System |
CCS | Customs Commercial System |
CDRP | Commercial Driver Registration Program |
CFIA | Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
CIAT | Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff |
CIC | Citizenship and Immigration Canada |
CIFTA | Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement |
CIRO | Courier Imports Remission Order |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
CITT | Canadian International Trade Tribunal |
CMC | Customs Mail Centre |
CRA | Canada Revenue Agency |
CRC | Casual Refund Center |
CSA | Customs Self Assessment |
CT | Chile Tariff |
C-TPAT | Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism |
CVD | Countervailing Duty |
Acronym | Meaning |
D-Series (Memos) | Directive Series |
DAS | Detailed Adjustment Statement |
DFAIT | Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Acronym | Meaning |
ECL | Export Control List |
ECO | Exporter's Certificate of Origin |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EIPA | Export and Import Permits Act |
EXCAPS | External Affairs / Foreign Customs Automated Permit System |
Acronym | Meaning |
FAC | Firearms Acquisition Certificate |
FACan | Foreign Affairs Canada |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAST | Free and Secure Trade |
FIRST | Frequent Importers Release System |
F.O.B. | Free-on-Board |
Acronym | Meaning |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GEP | General Export Permit |
GIP | General Import Permit |
GIR(s) | General Interpretative Rules |
GPT | General Preferential Tariff |
GST | Goods and Service Tax |
Acronym | Meaning |
HS | Harmonized System |
HST | Harmonized Sales Tax |
Acronym | Meaning |
IC | Industry Canada |
ICL | Import Control List |
ITCan | International Trade Canada |
Acronym | Meaning |
LDCT | Least Developed Country Treatment |
LVS | Low Value Shipment |
Acronym | Meaning |
MFN | Most Favoured Nation Tariff |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MT | Mexico Tariff |
MUST | Mexico-United States Tariff |
Acronym | Meaning |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NCR | National Customs Ruling/Advanced Ruling |
NZT | New Zealand Tariff |
Acronym | Meaning |
OAS | Organization of American States |
OGD(s) | Other Government Departments |
OIC | Order in Council |
Acronym | Meaning |
PARS | Pre-arrival Review System |
PIRO | Postal Imports Remission Order |
PST | Provincial Sales Tax |
Acronym | Meaning |
QST | Quebec Sales Tax |
Acronym | Meaning |
RIV | Registrar of Imported Vehicles |
RMD | Release on Minimum Documentation |
Acronym | Meaning |
SIMA | Special Import Measures Act |
SME | Small and medium enterprise(s) |
Acronym | Meaning |
TC | Transport Canada |
TRQ(s) | Tariff Rate Quota(s) |
TRS | Technical Reference System |
Acronym | Meaning |
UST | United States Tariff |
Acronym | Meaning |
VFD | Value for Duty |
Acronym | Meaning |
WCO | World Customs Organization |
WTO | World Trade Organization |