Our Services

Business Dispute Management (BDM) at Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) offers the following processes: consultation, conflict coaching, facilitated discussion, mediation, arbitration, awareness presentations and skills training workshops.

Participants can use one or more of these processes in the management of their business dispute. If these processes are insufficient, litigation remains an option.


Consultation is offered to all individuals who approach BDM at PWGSC with a business dispute, concern or issue. A consultation consists of a telephone conversation or face-to-face meeting with a BDM practitioner. During a consultation, the practitioner will explore the issue with you and help you assess your options so you can decide the best possible way to manage the situation.

Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching is a one-on-one guided dialogue with a BDM practitioner. Conflict coaching helps develop an increased ability and comfort with managing potential or actual business dispute situations. It is a voluntary and forward-focused process. Coaching sessions are done in person or by phone.

Facilitated Discussion

A facilitated discussion consists of an informal meeting where willing participants are assisted by a practitioner in a discussion about the issues that have come between them. It is procedural assistance which enables participants to communicate more effectively, brainstorm and assess options. Participants discuss interests and barriers, and collaboratively move towards a mutually acceptable outcome.


Mediation is more formal than a facilitated discussion. It is a voluntary and non-binding process in which a neutral third party assists individuals as they negotiate a mutually acceptable solution to their business dispute. The mediator must be acceptable to all parties and will not make or impose decisions.


Arbitration is an out-of-court settlement technique in which an independent third party (i.e., the arbitrator) hears/reviews the situation and imposes a legally-binding decision. It is a formal process in which parties present proof and arguments to the arbitrator. The arbitrator, contracted by BDM at PWGSC, is selected by the participants. The participants agree to abide by whatever decision the arbitrator(s) put forward.

Awareness Presentations

An awareness presentation focuses on how BDM at PWGSC is relevant to you and/or your group, department or company. If you have a short break in your team meeting, or if you are looking for an information session for your annual retreat, we offer 15 minute to 2-hour sessions depending upon your time, availability and need. These can be customized to answer the specific questions you may have about BDM at PWGSC.

Skills Training Workshops

BDM at PWGSC offers workshops to meet the needs of PWGSC employees. These workshops present the opportunity to develop specific skills that allow employees to improve their communication and negotiation skills, manage potential issues, and resolve business disputes before they escalate.

Advantages of BDM at PWGSC

There are a number of advantages when addressing a dispute through BDM processes:

  1. Flexible – a variety of options exist to help you resolve business disputes, at the earliest convenience of those involved. One or more BDM options can be used at any time. If a BDM option(s) does not resolve the issue, litigation remains available,
  2. Participants retain control – participants select the process they will use and control the outcome,
  3. Cooperative and productiveBDM gets to the core of the issue, enhances communication, increases the potential for productive outcomes, and preserves business relationships, integrity and reputation,
  4. Satisfactory for participants – increased involvement and control can lead to increased satisfaction and compliance with outcomes,
  5. Fast and cost effective – increased integrity and efficiency of your business dispute resolution process by resolving business disputes at the lowest possible level,
  6. Confidential – information shared in discussions with practitioners is kept private, unless given permission to do otherwise,
  7. AccessibleBDM at PWGSC is just a phone call or email away.