
"I was really impressed with all aspects, approach, knowledge, delivery - just enough direction to keep the meeting on track. Overall I was very impressed - it would not have mattered what the outcome was. Very pleased with the service. Hope I never have to use it again, but if the need arises, I will certainly contact your dept. I have already passed on comments to other depts on this service - great job."

"Très professionnelle et très neutre."

"The forum and method appeared to provide the needed neutral/impartial environment needed to settle this long standing disagreement. Discussions were open. The facilitator set good ground rules and was able to conduct the meeting well resulting in a positive outcome for both parties. The facilitator remained calm at all times and helped defuse tensions when needed. She asked good questions which led to modified thinking, and finally a settlement."

"Elle a fait preuve de grand professionalisme et a été capable de faire ressortir les préoccupations principales des 2 parties."

"Les services reçus… étaient professionnels, positifs et encourageants. Service adéquat et professionnel. Très impressioné."

"This is a good initiative… to try and resolve issues/disputes in an efficient & effective & (more) private way. We were able to reach a resolution that we may not have otherwise reached as effectively and efficiently without this process."

"This is a good service and should continue."

"I came away from our meeting feeling much more grounded in my sense of the situation, my concerns about it and being clearer about how to proceed constructively."