Cover Letter for Draft Industry Engagement Request: Capability, Production and Supportability Information Questionnaire

January 25, 2013

Dear Mr/Ms.,

Thank-you for agreeing to participate in the market analysis being led by the National Fighter Procurement Secretariat, in collaboration with the Department of National Defence and Industry Canada. This analysis is being conducted in support of the evaluation of all options to replace the CF-18 fighter capability.

The approach will differ from the review of options that was previously completed. The Statement of Operational Requirement prepared by the Royal Canadian Air Force will be set aside and will not be used as part of this new evaluation of options. Any effects on it will be assessed once the Government has had the opportunity to consider the options analysis work.

Further to the letter you received from Mme. Michelle d’Auray, Deputy Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, dated December 27, 2012, I am now writing to seek your input on a draft Industry Engagement Request that includes a Capability, Production and Supportability Information Questionnaire. We will be asking you to complete this questionnaire as a first step in the market analysis. The enclosed document provides critical information on the market analysis work currently being conducted, including the scope of the review and associated timelines, as well as a draft copy of the questionnaire.

The market analysis will be anchored on the principles of openness, due diligence and third party oversight. In keeping with these principles, and to ensure that we have provided your company every opportunity to highlight the potential capabilities of your fighter aircraft to fulfill the roles and missions outlined in the Canada First Defence Strategy, we are seeking your comments on the document in advance of sending it to you for completion. You are encouraged to provide any suggestions for how this document could be revised to allow you to best put forward all information relevant to the analysis of aircraft capabilities in support of a full and fair assessment of all options.

I would be grateful if you could send your comments on this questionnaire to Ms. Rachel Wernick by February 7, 2013. The National Fighter Procurement Secretariat will review your comments and revise the document as appropriate. The final version will be sent to you by February 15, 2013 at which time you will be provided three weeks to complete and return the document. Any issues related to the disclosure of sensitive information related to the capabilities of your respective fighter aircraft should be brought to Ms. Wernick’s attention at the earliest possible opportunity.

Thank-you for the time and effort you will bring to this request. Your company’s participation in this endeavor will greatly assist the Government of Canada in its assessment of options for a fighter replacement capability well into the 21st Century.


Tom Ring
Assistant Deputy Minister
Acquisitions Branch