Cover Letter for Final Industry Engagement Request: Capability, Production and Supportability Information Questionnaire

March 1, 2013

Thank-you for your ongoing participation in the market analysis being conducted by the National Fighter Procurement Secretariat (NFPS).

I am pleased to provide you with a final Industry Engagement Request (IER) including a Capability, Production and Supportability Information Questionnaire. The document takes into consideration the feedback we received in response to the draft material sent to you on January 25, 2013.

The evaluation of options will review and assess aircraft currently in production or scheduled for production against the roles and missions laid out in the Canada First Defence Strategy (CFDS). This will result in a consolidated report that assesses the capabilities, costs and risks of each option. All fighters will be assessed in this process and none will be removed based on specific requirements.

As you complete the Questionnaire, I would like to remind you that the purpose of a market analysis is to obtain capability and pricing information for a risk-based analysis of options.

In order to ensure that we have provided your company with every opportunity to highlight the potential capabilities of your fighter aircraft, you will note that the Questionnaire has built in flexibility to enable you to indicate any additional information related to the capabilities and supportability characteristics that enable your aircraft to accomplish the missions outlined in the CFDS.

As previously communicated, the IER will include a second Questionnaire, which will request estimates of the cost of the aircraft. Much like the first Questionnaire, we plan to provide you with a draft and give you the opportunity to comment.

I would be grateful if you could send your responses to this Questionnaire to Ms. Rachel Wernick, Executive Director of the NFPS by April 15, 2013.

Thank-you for the time and effort you will bring to this request. Your company's participation in this endeavor will greatly assist the Government of Canada in its assessment of options for a fighter replacement capability well into the 21st Century.


Tom Ring
Assistant Deputy Minister
Acquisitions Branch