Cover Letter for Draft Industry Engagement Request - Price Questionnaire

April 15, 2013

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the market analysis being led by the National Fighter Procurement Secretariat, in collaboration with the Department of National Defence and Industry Canada. This analysis is being conducted in support of the evaluation of all options to replace the CF-18 fighter capability.

On March 1, 2013, your company was provided with an Industry Engagement Request Capability, Production and Supportability Questionnaire. I am now writing to seek your input on a draft Price Questionnaire. The purpose of this second questionnaire is to obtain information that will help the Government of Canada develop rough order of magnitude cost estimates to acquire, sustain, operate and dispose of your respective aircraft. This questionnaire is guided by the Framework that was developed by KPMG for the Next Generation Fighter Capability program, which was informed by Government of Canada policies and international best practices.

The market analysis will be anchored on the principles of openness, due diligence and third party oversight. In keeping with these principles, and to ensure that we have provided your company every opportunity to highlight the potential cost to the Government of Canada related to your aircraft, we are seeking your comments on the document in advance of sending it to you for completion. You are encouraged to provide any suggestions for how this document could be revised to allow you to best put forward all information relevant to the fair representation of pricing information for your aircraft in support of a full and fair assessment of all options.

I would be grateful if you could send your comments on this questionnaire to Ms. Rachel Wernick by April 29, 2013. The National Fighter Procurement Secretariat will review your comments and revise the document as appropriate. Any issues related to the potential disclosure of sensitive information related this questionnaire should be brought to Ms. Wernick’s attention at the earliest possible opportunity.

As stated in the Evaluation of Options to Sustain a Canadian Forces Fighter Capability: Terms of Reference, “Industry Canada will contribute its assessment of the associated industry benefits”. A questionnaire will soon be sent to you requesting information on the potential benefits to Canadian industry.

Thank you for the time and effort you will bring to this request. Your company’s participation in this endeavor will greatly assist the Government of Canada in its assessment of options for a fighter replacement capability well into the 21st Century.


Tom Ring
Assistant Deputy Minister
Acquisitions Branch