Letter to Industry

December 27, 2012

On December 12, 2012, the Government of Canada released several key documents further to its seven-point plan on the replacement of Canada’s fighter jets. The government announced that it is resetting the process and taking the time to do a complete assessment of all available aircraft. One of the documents released on December 12 was the terms of reference that will govern the evaluation of options work.

The objective of the evaluation of options work is to perform a risk-based analysis of options to replace the CF-18, derived from a valid threat analysis, mission needs, and available fighter capabilities. For your reference, these terms of reference are currently available on the National Fighter Procurement Secretariat (NFPS) website.

A key component of this undertaking is a market analysis of fighter aircraft currently in production or scheduled to be in production. Your company’s participation in this endeavour will greatly assist the Government of Canada in its assessment of options for a fighter replacement capability well into the 21st Century. To this end, we will be in touch with your firm in the near future.

This market analysis, which will be anchored on the principles of openness, due diligence and third party oversight, will be led by the NFPS, in collaboration with the Department of National Defence and Industry Canada. All communications and questions are to be directed to either Mr. Tom Ring, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Acquisitions Branch or to Ms. Rachel Wernick, Executive Director, NFPS.

Your sincerely,

Michelle d’Auray
Deputy Minister and Chair of the Deputy Minister Governance Committee (NFPS)
Public Works and Government Services Canada