Departmental actions to respond to the Red Tape Reduction Commission's recommendations report

The following two initiatives are Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC) contribution to the 90 department-specific recommendations which were set out in the Red Tape Reduction Commission's 2012 Recommendations Report. A complete list of those recommendations is available on the ARCHIVED - Reduce Red Tape website.

Initiative 1

Description: To reduce duplication, volume and the complexity of paperwork required for federal procurement bids, we will simplify and standardize the procurement process and minimize the amount of paperwork required from suppliers, in particular small business, and work with other departments to help them do the same (PWGSC-2).

Progress: PWGSC continued to improve procurement by applying the Smart Procurement approach to its procurement business and by leveraging digital technology to provide tools and information to improve service delivery, while reducing the cost and process burden for clients, suppliers, and the PWGSC procurement workforce. Together, Smart Procurement and the better use of technology result in better outcomes for clients, suppliers, the Government of Canada and Canadians.

The department continued to develop client e-tools, enabling departments and agencies to access PWGSC procurement instruments and resources to process many of their own transactions under their delegated authorities. Supplier e-tools were also developed to ease the burden of the federal procurement process.

PWGSC continued to develop and strengthen its relationships with Canadian suppliers by providing access to better procurement information as well as increasing its supplier engagement through new innovative service delivery methods, industry days and other events. The Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program - now renamed Build in Canada Innovation Program - also supported Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by providing them with opportunities to test their innovations within federal operations as they bridge the pre-commercialization gap for their innovative goods and services and move towards commercialization. These efforts have improved SME's participation in federal procurement activities.

Initiative 2

Description: To eliminate excess administrative burden and ensure government contracting opportunities are easily accessible for suppliers, we will evaluate the government electronic tendering service, currently the Open Bidding Service (MERX), and develop a single-point-of-entry no-cost option for Government of Canada procurement information before the current arrangements expire (PWGSC-3).

Progress: PWGSC evaluated the government electronic tendering service and developed a single-point-of-entry no-cost option for Government of Canada procurement information before the current arrangements expire. The new version of the government electronic tendering service has been developed and became the official Government of Canada tendering site. It is housed on buyandsell.

Through the Leveraging Digital Technology Initiative, PWGSC continued to transform and manage its procurement operations effectively and efficiently. A new version of buyandsell website was released which provides single window access to federal procurement information and presents valuable procurement data in a way that can be easily accessed by users.

For more information