Contact French River and Lake Nipissing
Your comments are important to us and we will address your concerns as quickly as possible. Before you contact us, please read our Privacy Notice Statement.
City of North Bay
200 McIntyre Street, East
North Bay, Ontario, P1B 8H8
Telephone: 705-474-0400
French River Resorts Association
R.R. No. 2,
Alban, Ontario, P0M 1A0
Telephone: 705-383-2801
North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority
15 Janey Avenue
North Bay, ON, P1C 1N1
Telephone: 705-474-5420
Ministry of Natural Resources
Government of Ontario
North Bay / Telephone: 705-475-5550
Sudbury / Telephone: 705-564-7823
Ontario Hydro
North Bay / Telephone: 705-472-5851
Lake Nipissing / French River Water Management
Recorded Information Line: 1-866-763-2300
4900 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 6A6
PWGSC National Service Call Centre
Telephone: 1-800-463-1850
If you wish to contact an employee directly, please consult the Government Electronic Directory Services (GEDS).
IMPORTANT: For reasons of security and privacy, we ask you not to send us any personal information such as your Social Insurance Number (SIN), home or business address, or departmentally-assigned case or file numbers. We would also like you to be aware that we cannot forward e-mail messages on your behalf and that we cannot accept and process changes of address.
If you would like an electronic response, please include your e-mail address.
Privacy Notice Statement
Provision of the information is on a voluntary basis. We will use the information for the purpose of responding to your questions/comments, and to improve our Internet presence. The information will be held in Public Works and Government Services Canada's Personal Information Bank number PPU 115 Internet and PPE 830 Intranet Services, and it will be retained according to the retention and disposal schedule established for this bank.
Your personal information is protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act. Under the Act, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal information, if erroneous or incomplete. If you wish to avail yourself of this right or require clarification about this Statement, contact our Privacy Coordinator at For more information on privacy issues and the Privacy Act consult the Privacy Commissioner's Web site.
For more information about your rights, see Info Source. This is a Government of Canada publication available in major libraries, at government information offices and from constituency offices of federal Members of Parliament.
The Internet is a public forum and electronic information can be intercepted. This is not a secure Web site. Please do not disclose unnecessary confidential information about yourself or your accounts with PWGSC.
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