Pay Information
Explore the information below to help you understand your pay.
Information: GCintranet Disclaimer
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Information: Secure Service Notice
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Life Events
Life events have been developed to provide general pay information and to guide you through various pay processes that may be relevant now or at any time throughout your career in the Public Service.
Select one of the following events to learn more:
Payment in Arrears
In April 2014, the Government of Canada (GC) announced two pay process changes that will occur with the new GC pay solution:
- Payment in arrears, which will ensure consistent, timely and efficient pay services; and
- A minor change in how monthly deductions from pay will be handled in the new solution.
Read about the two Pay Process Changes and find out how payment in arrears may impact you as an employee by reading the Payment in Arrears - Questions and Answers.
Pay Day
All employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Payment includes entitlements (gross pay minus applicable deductions) from Thursday to Wednesday two weeks later. The official pay day is every second Wednesday.
Pay Stub
Your Payment Statement (Pay Stub) - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies. contains the information you need to remain informed about your salary and deductions from your pay. Your Pay Stubs - Access is available only to clients with a userid and password., among other tools, are available once you access the Compensation Web Applications (CWA) - This site is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.. It is suggested that you make a habit of regularly reviewing your pay stub.
Calculating Your Pay
In order to determine your bi-weekly salary, divide your annual salary by 26.088, then multiply the result by the number of pay periods in the year i.e. 26 or 27. A conversion factor of 26.088 is used in order to take into account that every eleven years there are 27 pay periods in the year rather than 26.
The monthly rate is multiplied by twelve (12) to establish the annual rate.
To convert your annual rate to an hourly rate divide the annual rate by 52.176 to obtain the weekly rate and then divide the result by the number of hours in your standard work week i.e 37.5, 40.00, 42.00 etc.
To convert an hourly rate of pay to an annual rate multiply the hourly rate by the normal hours in your work week multiplied by 52.176.
Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit allows the automatic directing of your pay to a financial institution by completing the PWGSC-TPSGC 8437 - Direct Deposit Enrolment Request - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.. When you wish to redirect your pay to a different financial institution, you must complete and send the Direct Deposit Enrolment Request form to the Pay Centre. It is important that you do not close your current bank account until you have verified that your pay has been deposited in your new account.
Lost or Stolen Cheque
A lost or stolen cheque can be replaced. If your cheque has been lost or stolen, you will need to fill out and provide an PWGSC-TPSGC 535 - Undertaking and Indemnity - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies. and an PWGSC-TPSGC 540 - Affidavit - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies. to your departmental Compensation Advisor or under cover of a Pay Action Request (PAR) Form if you pay account is serviced by the Pay Centre.
T4/Releve 1
The method of calculating income tax at source is very effective and, unless you have other issues that affect your income tax situation (e.g. income from another source), the amount of income tax deducted will be closely related to the amount of income received during the tax year. The total amount of income reflected on the T4/Releve 1 slip includes supplementary payments issued during the year, such as retroactive revision, retroactive promotion, pay out of annual or extra duty leave, an award or overtime/extra duty payments paid during the year etc. Employees who are in receipt of certain taxable benefits will also have these amounts included as income.
Visit Canada Revenue Agency or Revenu Québec for additional information.
Relevant Authorities
- Collective Agreements
- Policy on Terms and Conditions of Employment
- Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment
- Terms and Conditions that are specific to certain groups i.e. EX, GIC, Excluded and Unrepresented, Students
- Policies and Guidelines for Ministers' Offices
- Directive on Leave and Special Working Arrangements
- Date modified: