What We Do
The Compensation Sector directs pay and pension activities in partnership with its clients, Information Technology Services Branch (ITSB) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Regional Offices.
This site contains information concerning the Compensation Service Line pay and pension products including Compensation publications, directives, bulletins and communiqués, as well as other information of a general nature concerning the Service Line.
When appropriate, the Compensation Sector Site links to other sites containing information related to federal employee compensation.
Systems and Business Integration Directorate
The Systems and Business Integration Directorate staff provide expertise in the development and implementation of comprehensive strategies, processes and systems for the control, validation and integrity of compensation data to support the effective management of pension, pay and benefits products and special projects. Responsibilities also include quality assurance activities, such as analyzing and evaluating project deliverables and providing advice and guidance in support of the analysis of business information from a data management perspective.
Pay Operations and Service Management Directorate
The Pay Operations and Service Management Directorate provides compensation services to most federal departments, Crown Corporations and Agencies including House of Commons administration and Members of Parliament in the National Capital Region. The services included are pay and pension processing, consolidated system control, accounting and remittance and pay general ledger accounting functions for the Regional Pay System; business planning and performance management activities for both the pay and pension products.
In addition the Directorate monitors existing agreements with Separate Employers, evaluates the levels of service as well as the impacts of new work processes and provides client liaison support to Clients on a variety of administrative systems such as the Departmental Employee Benefit Statement system or the Second language Evaluation system.
Pay Policies and Training Services Directorate
The Pay Policies and Training Services Directorate is responsible for the administration of policies, legislation and operational requests that affect pay and insurance within government departments and agencies, as well as Crown corporations. The services included are advisory services, application and program support, training development and delivery, maintenance of all pay and insurance related manuals, and developing and maintaining the Compensation Pay Web Applications. The Directorate also develops and maintains the Compensation Sector Web site, publishes the Compensation Focus newsletter and controls the linguistic quality of published materials. The Director of the Pay Policies and Training Services Directorate is also responsible for a number of projects such as insurance renewal and the Classification Reform project.
Pension Services Directorate
Pension Services Directorate is responsible for the direction and management of pension plan administration for organizations subject to the provisions of the Public Service Superannuation Act. The services included are advisory services, application and program support, training development and delivery, maintenance of all pension related manuals, pension funds financial administration and business planning. In addition, the Directorate is responsible for providing pay and pension administration services to members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canadian Armed Forces as well as the publication of all compensation forms.
The Director of the Pension Services Directorate is also responsible for the Pension Reform Project. The project team is mandated to implement the Federal Government's legislation to change its superannuation plans, in a timely fashion. This includes requirements definition, system development and tools upgrade for the RCMP pay and pension systems, the Department of National Defense (DND) Annuitant System as well as the Public Service pay and pension systems. The main focus of the system enhancements revolves around the splitting of the old and new funds and the delinking of the pension contributions from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) premiums.
Key Contacts
C. Roussin
Director General
Compensation Sector
David Delorey
Pay Operations and Service Management Directorate
Glenna Hall
Pay Policies and Training Services Directorate
Davinderpaul Kanwal
Senior Director
Pension Services Directorate
Patrick Verner
Systems and Business Integration Directorate
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