Standing Offers
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWSGC) authorized standing offers for the provision of public opinion research (POR) services. The Standing Offers include the possibility of three extension periods. All three extension periods have now been exercised. The Standing Offers are now in effect until March 31, 2015. These contracting tools are the result of an open and transparent competitive process using the Government Electronic Tendering System.
These companies will be eligible to be awarded contracts to provide POR projects not exceeding $200,000 (including HST).
Fieldwork and data tabulation
Telephone Stream (Pretesting, programming, interviewing, and data tabulation using telephone questionnaires and pre-test probes provided by the client)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027 Telephone Stream
- 005: Campaign Research
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 009: CROP
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 018: Innovative Research Group Inc.
- 019: Insightrix Research Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 021: Jolicoeur et associés
- 024: Market Dimensions Inc.
- 025: Nanos Research Corporation
- 026: NRG Research Group Inc.
- 027: Opinion Search Inc.
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 038: SOM Inc.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 043: The Logit Group Inc.
Online Stream (Pretesting, programming, emailing invitations, hosting the survey, and data tabulation using online questionnaires and pre-test probes provided by the client)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027 Online Stream
- 003: Ascentum Incorporated
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 019: Insightrix Research Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 024: Market Dimensions Inc.
- 025: Nanos Research Corporation
- 027: Opinion Search Inc.
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 031: Pollara Inc.
- 037: Saine Marketing Inc.
- 038: SOM Inc.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 043: The Logit Group Inc.
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
Online Pre-testing of Advertisement
Online pre-testing of advertisement involves a sample of individuals invited to view or listen to advertising creatives or concepts and to complete a questionnaire online
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 013: Gadd Research Inc.
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 029: Phase 5 Consulting Group Inc.
- 040: Synovate Ltd.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
Target Populations
Target populations include all research designs and methodologies except those specified in the two streams listed above). This stream is divided into three series: Series A – qualitative, Series B – quantitative and Series C – qualitative/quantitative. Offerors who qualify for the same stream in Series A and B will be issued a standing offer in Series C (Qualitative/Quantitative).
The three series for stream 3 are as follows:
Series A - Qualitative
General Stream (Other target populations, including the general population; not including any of the specific population streams)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 003: Ascentum Incorporated
- 006: Compas Inc.
- 007: Corbin Partners Inc.
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 014: Genesis Public Opinion Research Inc.
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 017: HRSG Ltd.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 023: MacPhie & Company Inc.
- 025: Nanos Research Corporation
- 026: NRG Research Group
- 028: Patterson, Langlois Consultants
- 029: Phase 5 Consulting Group Inc.
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 031: Pollara Inc.
- 032: Praxicus Public Strategies Inc.
- 033: Probe Research Inc.
- 034: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.
- 035: Research Strategy Group Inc.
- 036: Sage Research Corporation
- 039: Sylvain Laroche, consultant, Inc.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 042: The Gandalf Group Inc.
- 044: The Strategic Counsel
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
- 001: Walker Consulting Group
Aboriginal Stream (First Nations, Inuit, Métis)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 026: NRG Research Group Inc.
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 033: Probe Research Inc.
- 035: Research Strategy Group Inc.
Ethno-cultural Stream (Including Allophones and Newcomers)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 006: Compas Inc.
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 026: NRG Research Group Inc.
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 035: Research Strategy Group Inc.
- 036: Sage Research Corporation
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 044: The Strategic Counsel
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
Series B - Quantitative
General Stream (Other target populations, including the general population; not including any of the specific population streams)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 003: Ascentum Incorporated
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 010: DataPath Systems
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 014: Genesis Public Opinion Research Inc.
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 019: Insightrix Research Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 025: Nanos Research Corporation
- 029: Phase 5 Consulting Group Inc.
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 031: Pollara Inc.
- 032: Praxicus Public Strategies Inc.
- 034: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.
- 035: Research Strategy Group Inc.
- 036: Sage Research Corporation
- 037: Saine Marketing Inc.
- 038: SOM Inc.
- 039: Sylvain Laroche, consultant, Inc.
- 040: Synovate Ltd.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 042: The Gandalf Group Inc.
- 044: The Strategic Counsel
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
- 001: Walker Consulting Group
Aboriginal Stream (First Nations, Inuit, Métis)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 044: The Strategic Counsel
- 001: Walker Consulting Group
Ethno-cultural Stream (Including Allophones and Newcomers)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 018: Innovative Research Group Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 044: The Strategic Counsel
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
Series C - Qualitative/Quantitative
General Stream (Other target populations, including the general population; not including any of the specific population streams)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 003: Ascentum Incorporated
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 014: Genesis Public Opinion Research Inc.
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 025: Nanos Research Corporation
- 029: Phase 5 Consulting Group Inc.
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
- 031: Pollara Inc.
- 032: Praxicus Public Strategies Inc.
- 034: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.
- 035: Research Strategy Group Inc.
- 036: Sage Research Corporation
- 039: Sylvain Laroche, consultant, Inc.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 042: The Gandalf Group Inc.
- 044: The Strategic Counsel
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
- 001: Walker Consulting Group
Aboriginal Stream (First Nations, Inuit, Métis)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 011: Ekos Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 015: Harris/Decima Inc.
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 030: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
Ethno-cultural Stream (Including Allophones and Newcomers)
Standing Offer Number: EP363-090027
- 008: Corporate Research Associates Inc.
- 012: Environics Research Group
- 020: Ipsos-Reid Corporation
- 022: Léger Marketing Inc.
- 041: TNS Canadian Facts Inc.
- 044: The Strategic Counsel
- 002: Vision Critical Communications Inc.
- Date modified: