Logo Walker Mineralogical Club
Toronto, Ontario

About us   Contact us   Meetings   Program   Membership
Executive   Newsletter   Resources

About our Club:

The Walker Mineralogical Club, founded in 1937, is one of the oldest clubs in Canada. The club was originally established as a professional club by the Mineralogy Department of the University of Toronto, and was named after Prof. T. L. Walker who was on staff at the school and the Royal Ontario Museum. Our honourary president is Dr. Donald "Digger" Gorman, Professor Emeritus of Mineralogy at the U. of T. Although over the years the Walker club has evolved into an amateur's club, we still have maintained a close relationship with the Royal Ontario Museum.

The main interest of the club is specimen mineralogy. Most monthly meetings feature a guest speaker lecturing on some facet of mineralogy and/or geology. A mineral specimen auction is held each fall, and it is the major fund raising activity of the club. The club's annual banquet is held in May. During the spring, summer and fall, field trips are arranged for club members. These vary from one day excursions to a one or two week excursion usually held in the summer. We also monitor the other clubs in the region for other trips that we can participate in.

The Peacock Memorial Prize was established in 1947 to encourage deserving students attending Canadian Universities and Colleges who are engaged in the study of pure or applied mineralogy, including crystallography, petrology and geochemistry. It is an annual financial award that is administered through a special trust fund, and it has become an important part of the Club's educational program.

Our club is a member of the Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies.

How to Contact Us:

  • Malcolm Back, President
    Tel: (416) 586-5819
    E-mail: malcolmb@rom.on.ca

  • Dirk Schmid
    Tel: (416) 322-6366

Mailing Address:

  • Walker Mineralogical Club
    c/o The Royal Ontario Museum
    Earth Science Department
    100 Queens Park
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5S 2C6


  • Date: Second Wednesday of each month, from September through April.
  • Time: 8:00 - 10:00 pm
  • Location: Meetings are held in Room 2093 (2nd floor) at the University of Toronto's Department of Geology (Earth Sciences Building), 22 Russell St., Toronto.

Fall 2000 Program Schedule:

September 13, 2000:
Speaker: Dr. Peter Russell, University of Waterloo.
Topic to be announced.

October 11, 2000:
Speaker: Mr. Phil Walford, Walker Mineral Club
Mineral Collecting in Honduras.

November 8, 2000:
Speaker: Mr. Mike Skeebo, CMMA, Walker Mineral Club
Collecting in the Eifel and Schwartzwald regions of Germany and the Langenbach quarry, Switzerland.

Sunday, October 22, 2000:
Annual Auction. Viewing at 12:00 PM, auction begins at 1:00 PM. Terms: CASH only. Held at Waddington's Auction House, 111 Barthurst Street at Adelaide (door on North Side). For more information, please contact Steve Szilard (416) 444-0629, or Len Buchanan 416 693-2174.


Our annual membership fees, effective October 1999, are: Single $25.00, Family $35.00, Junior (14 - 18) $15.00. New members are welcome anytime.

Executive for 2000:

President: Malcolm Back
Vice-president: Dave Joyce
Treasurer: Tony Steede
Correspondence Secretary: Doug Dingeldein
Recording Secretary: Fuzail Siddiqui
Editor: Sinnika Barker


The Walker Mineralogical Club Newsletter is published and circulated monthly to members. Our newsletter outlines club activities and includes interesting articles related to mineralogy. We currently exchange newsletters with other clubs. For more information, please contact us.

Online Resources:

Canadian Rockhound

Canadian Directory of
Rock & Mineral Associations


Official home page of the
Walker Mineralogical Club

Online: April 3, 1997
Last updated: September 18, 2000
Page maintained by the Canadian Rockhound

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