Logo Central Canadian Federation of
Mineralogical Societies

Regional Federation

About Us   Contact Us   Member Clubs   Meetings   Field Trips   Newsletter   Resources

About the Federation:

The Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies (CCFMS) was founded in 1969. It arose out of the "Inter-Club Field Trip Committee", which had existed since 1964. The CCFMS assists its members by various means to promote earth sciences, to protect collecting sites, to educate collectors, and to foster good will, friendship and rapport among all. Our federation currently consists of 25 member clubs.

How to Contact Us:

Contacts: Mailing Address:
  • Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies
    P.O. Box 4488, Station "D"
    Hamilton, Ontario
    L8V 4S7

Member Clubs:

Below is the list of member clubs within the Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies, as of October 1999. You must be a paid member within the CCFMS to be listed here. Click on any link below to obtain more information about a member club.

Annual Meeting:

Each year our federation holds an annual meeting at some place in Ontario. It is at this meeting we elect the new executive. For more information, please contact us.

Field Trips:

Day trips, the Fall Colours, and the summer field trips have all been sponsored by CCFMS and organized by the Field Trip Committee. This has saved a tremendous amount of work for the local clubs who may not have the resources (both material and human) or the numbers to justify these undertakings. For more information, please contact Court Saunders, Field Trip Director, at (905) 457-1916.

CCFMS Newsletter:

The CCFMS Newsletter is published 3 times a year and is distributed to member clubs, dealers, and individuals. Submissions of articles to the CCFMS newsletter, and copies of all club newsletters should be sent to the editor, Randy Ernst, at the above E-mail address, or send to: 2 Ferbane Place, Willowdale, Ontario, M2J 1Y8.

Online Resources:

Canadian Rockhound

Canadian Directory of
Rock & Mineral Associations


Official home page of the
Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies

Online: October 15, 1997
Last updated: September 19, 2000
Page maintained by the Canadian Rockhound

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