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    Starting your first
    Rock and Mineral Collection

    By Marilyn Fraser

    Chipper Big Rock


    If you've been going on field trips with your parents, or if you just like to pick up interesting stones in your travels, you probably already have some rocks that you have collected. Now maybe you've decided to get serious about it. Some of those stones really are your favourites for one thing. Now you can call them specimens.

    Collectors generally have a theme for their collections. You could try starting out with a specimen of each of the minerals to be found in your province. You might be interested in collecting fossils. Maybe you would prefer to collect rocks that can be polished by tumbling or by cabbing. You might want your collection to be of all the many different kinds of quartz.

    As a beginner of any age, you should decide where to begin.

    Copyright ©1998 Marilyn Fraser
    E-mail: silver@tor.axxent.ca

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