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Emerald. ©1996-97 MinRec.

Page Contents Issues devoted to a Canadian locality

Articles on Canadian localities

Mineralogical Record Issues
Featuring Canadian Localities

This page contains a list of Mineralogical Record issues and articles featuring Canadian mineral localities. Each article provides an advanced discussion of the mineralogy, geology and history of the locality being examined. The articles and issues listed are well written and highly recommended to collectors of Canadian minerals. However, some articles are technical in style and may not appropriate for the beginner.

Currently, this page only lists articles from 1989 to 1996. We will add more in the future. For a complete list of issues published by MinRec, visit the magazine's website,

Issues devoted to a Canadian
Mineral Locality

Volume 21, Number 4
The Mineralogy of Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec
By Laszlo Horvath and Robert A. Gault.
Volume 21, Number 4
July-August 1990

Contents: Introduction, History, Geology, Mineralogy, Bibliograpy, accompanying articles.

Volume 23, Number 4
Yukon Phosphates: Mineralogy of the Rapid Creek and Big Fish Area, Yukon Territory
By G.W. Robinson, J. Van Velthuizen, H.G. Ansell and B.D. Sturman.
Volume 23, Number 4
July-August 1992

Contents: Introduction, Location, History, Geology, Mineralogy, Paragenesis, Summary, Bibliography.

Articles on Canadian Mineral Localities
Published 1989-1996

  • Minerals of the Silvana mine, Sandon, British Columbia
    By M.H.F. Mauthner, L.A. Groat, M. Raudsepp and R. Attridge
    Volume 27, Number 6
    November-December 1996, p. 433

  • The Engineer mine, Tagish Lake, British Columbia
    By M. Mauthner, L. Groat and M. Raudsepp
    Volume 27, Number 4
    July-August 1996, p. 263

    Famous mineral localities: The Lac Nicolet antimony mine, South Ham, Quebec
    By G.W. Robinson and C. Normand
    Volume 27, Number 2 April-March 1996, p. 121

  • The Orford nickel mine, Quebec, Canada
    By P. Tarassoff and R.A. Gault
    Volume 25, Number 5
    September-October 1994, p. 327

  • Microminerals: Miscellany from France, the Eifel district,
    and Mont Saint-Hilaire

    By W.A. Henderson
    Volume 25 Number 3
    May-June 1994, p. 208

  • Cornwall's famous mines
    By P. Bancroft and S. Weller
    Volume 24, Number 4
    July-August 1993, p. 259

  • The Parker mine, Notre Dame du Laus, Québec
    By J. Van Velthuizen
    Volume 24, Number 5
    September-October 1993, p. 369

  • The Lake George antimony mine, New Brunswick
    By W.E. Wilson
    Volume 22, Number 4
    July-August 1991, p. 263

  • A hornfels unit in the Poudrette quarry
    By J. Van Velthuizen
    Volume 21, Number 4
    July-August 1990, p.360.

  • Mont Saint-Hilaire unknowns
    By G.Y. Chao, R.P. Conlon and J. Van Velthuizen
    Volume 21, Number 4
    July-August 1990, p. 363.

  • Minerals of the Nanisivik mine, Baffin Island,
    Northwest Territories

    By R.I. Gait, G.W. Robinson, K. Bailey and D. Dumka
    Volume 21, Number 6
    November-December 1990, p. 515

  • The Port Radium district, Northwest Territories, Canada
    By R. Tyson
    Volume 20, Number 3
    May-June 1989, p. 201

  • Mineralogy of the Alpine veins near Sherbrooke, Quebec
    By S. Chamberlain, G.W. Robinson and R.P. Richards
    Volume 20, Number 3
    May-June 1989, p. 209

  • The Highland Bell mine, Beaverdell, British Columbia
    By A. Ingelson and R. Mussieux
    Volume 20, Number 6
    November-December 1989, p. 441

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