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Permed to Death
Permed to Death by
Nancy Cohen

Kensington Publishing
320 pages, 1999
ISBN 1575664828
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

Marla Shore, owner of the Cut ‘N Dye beauty shop, has the world’s worst bad hair day. Long time cranky customer, Bertha Kravitz, drops dead in the middle of a perm – poisoned by the creamer that Marla put in her coffee. How did the poison get into the jar of creamer? The rear door of the shop is found unlocked. Anyone could have come in and tampered with the jar kept in the back room. A search for the janitor, who may have left the door open, only turns up one more dead body. Marla knows that the police suspect her – so she sets out to solve the mystery herself.

Enter a good-looking detective name Dalton Vail, throw in a cast of characters who all seem to be up to something, and mix it with a dark secret from Marla’s past that she is trying to keep covered – and the results produce mayhem and mystery. Why was Bertha blackmailing Marla? Do Marla’s own employees have something to hide? What about Bertha’s family? Is Marla the killer’s next victim? Is there anyone Marla can trust?

All the answers are neatly supplied in a satisfying and enjoyable package. PERMED TO DEATH is well-written, full of suspense and uniqueness due to its interesting setting. Nancy Cohen has styled a novel that is to curl up and dye for. A permanent solution to the doldrums.

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