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Avatars of the Word:
From Papyrus to Cyberspace
By James J. O'Donnell

Reviewed by Lisa Eagleson-Roever

Black Hawk Down
by Mark Bowden
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

Character-Centered Living in a
Character Starved World
By Maynard Cowan III - Ebook -
Reviewed by Marion E. Cason

Epidemics and History by Sheldon Watts
Reviewed by John A. Broussard, PhD

Escape To Tuscany by Candice Gianetti
Reviewed by Devorah Stone

First You Build a Cloud by K. C. Cole
Reviewed by John A. Broussard, PhD

Great Books for Every Book Lover by
Thomas Craughwell
Reviewed by Madeline Mora-Summonte

Ice Blink by Scott Cookman
Reviewed by Devorah Stone

If I Am Nuts You’re Ignorant!
By Stella Heuer
Reviewed by Merilyn Tomkins,

Leigh Voigt’s African Album by Lulu Phezulu
Reviewed by Merilyn Tomkins

My Brother’s Farm
by Doug Jones
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

Outside Lies Magic
by John R. Stilgoe
Reviewed by Madeline Mora-Summonte

The Dreams Our Stuff is Made Of:
How Science Fiction Conquered the World
By Thomas M. Disch

Reviewed by Lisa Eagleson-Roever

The Mind of Oswald by Diane Holloway, PhD
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero
By Robert Kaplan
Reviewed by Lisa Eagleson-Roever

The Number Devil
: A Mathematical Adventure By Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Reviewed by John A. Broussard, PhD

The Professor and the Madman:
A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and
the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary
By Simon Winchester
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

The Robbins Medallions:
Flown Treasure from the Apollo Space Program By Howard Weinberger
Reviewed by David Frohman Robert Zane Pearlman & Michael Orenstein

The Universe, the Eleventh Dimension, and Everything; What We Know and How We Know It By Richard Morris
Reviewed by John A. Broussard, PhD

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
By Charles Seife
Reviewed by
John A. Broussard, PhD

© 2000 The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd., for Web site content and design, and/or writers, reviewers and artists where/as indicated.