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Ida Mae Tutweiler and the Traveling Tea Party
Ida Mae Tutweiler and the Traveling Tea Party by
Ginnie Siena Bivona
Authorlink Press
144 pages, 2000
ISBN 1928704158
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

To my way of thinking there’s simply nothing that smoothes away the sharp edges of the day quite like a nice hot cup of tea, served late in the afternoon, with a bit of a cookie or a scone alongside.- Ida Mae Tutweiler

So begins the heartwarming tale of Ida Mae Tutweiler and the Traveling Tea Party. Ida Mae Hampton met Jane Potter when she was fourteen years old. Ida Mae was quiet and shy. Jane was outgoing – bigger than life. Ida Mae never could understand why the popular Jane befriended her. Over the years, however, their lives blended together like the delicious tea they shared during moments of joy and seasons of tears.

Through marriages and divorces, children and careers, the two friends gave strength and support to each other. When the time came to say goodbye forever, their friendship and love could only be expressed through the time-honored tradition of a tea party. One last - very special tea party.

Ginnie Siena Bivona has crafted a lovely little gift, tucked between the covers of a book. Ida Mae Tutweiler and the Traveling Tea Party is a must for everyone who has ever had a friend - been a friend - or wanted a friend.

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