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Death in a Hot Flash
Death in a Hot Flash by
Jane Isenberg
Avon (Twilight)
215 pages, 2000
ISBN 0380802813
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Read our review of Mood Swings to Murder (2000)
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Bel Barrett's life is full. She's worrying about her children, now grown and gone. She's in the midst of a relationship that doesn't always work the way she hopes. And she's been roped into team teaching an extra class at the community college - a class in Funeral Services. For a professor on the backside of fifty, she figures things could be worse and she's right.

Her teaching partner Vinny, who just happens to be an undertaker, is soon as dead as his clients. One of their students is a former gang member who's killed before. Was he that mad at Vinny for a bad grade on his paper? Bel doesn't think so, but everyone else does. A firm believer in justice at any price, Bel sets out to discover who really killed Vinny in spite of being bombarded by family emergencies and bad luck on every hand. Determined to find the truth, she can only pray that her luck changes before she joins Vinny at the funeral home.

Jane Isenberg has created a laughable and lovable heroine in Bel Barrett. Her writing style is smooth and colorful, combining everyday, recognizable situations with the absurd and reminding readers that, in today's world, life does not slow down after fifty. Some of the plot devices may seem a little contrived, but the story is compelling and the participants so engaging that Death In A Hot Flash is sure to provide a delightful time for those who enjoy a good, cozy mystery.

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