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Mystery -
Silent Conspiracy
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Silent Conspiracy by
Lee E. Meadows
Proctor Publications
273 pages, 1997
ISBN 1882792386
Reviewed by Phillip Tomasso III

Read our review of Silent Suspicion (2000)
Read our author interview

Lee E. Meadows introduces readers to the world of private investigator Lincoln Keller in his first mystery Silent Conspiracy. And what a world it is. When Erotica shows up looking to hire Lincoln, he is as intrigued by her proposition as he is by her fitting and unusual name.

Erotica’s husband is terribly sick. A forty-year-old mystery is troubling him. As a loving wife, Erotica wants to have Lincoln solve the puzzle and provide her husband with closure before the illness kills him. Back in the fifties, a harmonizing five-man band known as The Sentiments was on their way to making it big. One night after a gig at Johnny’s Lounge, the talented singers disappeared without a trace. Other than this small bit of history, Erotica gives Lincoln little else to go on. The investigation has him enlisting the help of family and friends as he searches for answers behind a well-kept, silent conspiracy. Each avenue leaves Lincoln in a more dangerous situation than the last. People are not talking and there is a reason. What is everyone afraid of?

Silent Conspiracy is the story of innocent people trapped in an unjust time, drowning in a world where one could not challenge racism without deadly consequence. Meadows tells a compelling tale. The natural dialogue and narrative move the story along with amazing speed. The plot is involved, unnerving and had me guessing until the final chapter. I enjoyed meeting Lincoln Keller and look forward to the next book in this series.

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