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Mystery -
Silent Suspicion
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Silent Suspicion by
Lee E. Meadows
Proctor Publications
417 pages, August 2000
ISBN 1882792939
Reviewed by Phillip Tomasso III

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In Silent Suspicion, the second book in this series, author Lee E. Meadows brings us back into the world of Lincoln Keller - an ex-Oakland Raider and police officer turned private eye who has no time to waste. As the story opens, the mystery is immediately laid out for Keller to examine.

Circuit Court Judge Warren "War Zone" Henderson has asked for Keller’s help in solving an eight-year-old crime. His sister-in-law, Deborah Norris, a prominent freelance writer, was killed during a street robbery. The judge and his wife suspect foul play, certain that Norris was murdered, not just the victim of a random act of violence.

Politics play a heavy role in restraining Keller’s investigation. The judge waited eight years to ask for private help. Too much time has gone by and no one on the police force is any closer to solving Norris’ death now than they were then. It only figures that the homicide investigator originally assigned to the case eight years ago is the same investigator who can’t stand Keller now. To show Keller that he does not appreciate a private eye stomping all over his case, he’s going to do all he can to drive Keller crazy. Their bitter rivalry is a constant thorn in Keller’s side as he gets closer to the truth behind the murder of Deborah Norris.

Once again Meadows has constructed a well-thought out mystery, spiced it up with real life characters, providing plenty of action, and fresh and enticing narrative. What kind of mystery will Lincoln Keller find himself submerged in next time?

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