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Songman by
Marilyn Wriede
Writers Showcase
553 pages, April 2000
ISBN 0595001629
Reviewed by Andrea Collare

In the midst of trying to live a tranquil and uncomplicated life, Read McClain is interrupted by the appearance of a bedraggled but strangely beautiful redhead. He finds her in the middle of the night lying unconscious, nearly frozen, in a renthouse he is remodeling. Calling her Annie after Raggedy Anne, he takes her into his home when he senses she is in grave danger. Quickly, Read realizes there is something very unique about his new house guest.

Annie has abilities he only dreamed could exist. She has also lived through a horror Read cannot possibly imagine - the Songman. Trying to protect Read, Annie refuses to reveal the details of her horrific abduction by the Songman. Desperate to help this scared but strong woman, Read enlists the help of his friends and uses his military past to discover the true story behind the mysterious "Annie". The deeds he uncovers are unbelievable until he witnesses the acts with his own eyes.

Songman was a very enjoyable and believable read filled with intriguing and consistent characters. Marilyn Wriede has created a thought provoking story that explores uncharted capabilities of the human mind. Insightfully, she ventures into the evils, and the good that these talents can birth. Wriede weaves these superhuman talents so well into her story that when you close the book, a chill wanders up your spine as you wonder if your next door neighbor is capable of her character's acts.

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