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Spotlight on
Penney’s Picks

A selection of Penney Kome’s useful ‘finds’ on the the Internet, as contributed to the womenspace mailing list.

International Alliance for Women in Musicat
3000 pages of archival resources, bios, and pretty pictures too.

Judy Chicago - Through the Flower
How sad to hear that The Dinner Party has been in storage for almost 20 years. Judy Chicago’s website is beautiful & loads quickly.

Now what do you think of this? A website aimed at women in business, that is proud to call itself Not to be confused with the Feminist Majority, at
This is at
and it does offer a wide range of resources.
I think it’s a good effort.

PBS website
expands on the issues raised in the two-part series on the friendship between Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony, provide weblinks to other resources on suffragists and historical documents. stantonanthony/resources/index.html
To explore more than the resource list,
click on Home on bottom frame, or shorten the URL.

New Education/Reference Site
Looking for a quote, a biography, an expert? This page has links to large websites celebrating women’s achievements in different fields.

Community Learning Network
Resource: page full of links to sites about famous Canadians, includes a fair bit of diversity.

The National Atlas of Canada Online
include the Canadian Communities Atlas web sites, a partnership project with The Nation Atlas of Canada.
All the facts anybody could ever want to know about Canada, geographically or statistically, from fresh water supply to health and economy measurements.

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
tackle the toughest Internet issues of the day, from copyright to spam to universal access.

CPSR Cyber-Rights
"it is not just a techie obsession to be concerned with privacy, free speech, universal access, and related issues in Cyberspace. It is a realistic concern for the future of democracy and equity."

Stop the Clock Campaign
Workfare isn’t working. Unemployment rates for women kicked off workfare are 15 percentage points higher than the national [US] rate. Enough statistics are in now, to show that women and children are going hungry, homeless, and sick because of this "reform". Stop The Clock sets out action plans to revoke the five-year lifetime limit on collecting social assistance.

Workfare Watch
Monitors and reports on the implementation of workfare policies in Ontario and their impact.



The list for fighting workfare internationally
To subscribe, send
subscribe workfare-fight

The Southern Poverty Law Center
Here is a very useful website, complete with an indicator map that seems to show most US hate groups are located east of the Mississippi. There’s a good sprinkling in California, of course, but the Prairies are pretty bare. This post came with a lengthy list of hate groups, which I have snipped, because the website also provides the list in a more manageable form. Also, there’s Ten Ways to Fight Hate Groups and other resources, on the site.

Labor Unions and the Internet library/reference/guides/LUI_Manual/
Great site, with links to research on for-profit & non-profit corporations too. Produced by Suzanne Cohen & Deborah Joseph, two reference librarians at the Catherwood Library, with extensive links to topics of interest to Labor Unions.

Trillions of dollars at stake here, not to mention reversal of social status, and this legalistic argument appeals more to international law than to US law. But check out the websites, especially the directblackaction site, for historical reparations Bills, already approved by Congress. Some interesting research here, although it’s enough to make a feeling person weep.

The Electronic Policy Network
has updated its website to make it easier to navigate. Home to about 20 progressive organizations, EPN is a likely spot to find good solid research on social & economic issues.

The American Prospect Magazine
Articles that explore how economic policies affect average citizens. Take a look at the article about prison labour in the US at 46/46lafer.html
which describes how cheap prison labour not only undercuts wages (Honda pays $2/hr, compared to $20-30/hr for unionized workers) but also evades labour standards such as health & safety. Scary stuff.

Housing Again
New Online Canadian Housing Resource
Here’s a handy way to stay up to date on an issue that has been getting headlines lately—even has a "Who’s Who" page with a search function for finding experts. Handsome website, easy on eyes. Includes e-bulletin on housing issues, resources , events listing, and discussion space.
Social Action based on Jewish philosophy— useful tips for non-Jews too.
Giving Thanks, Giving Gifts, Pursuing Justice:
excerpt: "How can we teach children to give during the season when they are so used to getting? How can Jews make the connection between holiday celebrations and social injustice? Hanukkah is the perfect holiday to rededicate ourselves to justice and social responsibility, according to the new webzine"

No cost for online medical journal searches. Delivers citations and usually delivers abstracts. Full articles may be ordered for a couple of bucks, from Loansome Doc.
Note: this link is always available on my own website links page.

We Media
is designed to be especially friendly to persons with disabilities, according to recent NYT article. Members may purchase aids such as a vibrating mouse that feels fuzzy edges on tables. Or actually, it looks like We Media might provide them.


Democracies Online Newswire
"Promoting online civic participation and democracy efforts around the world through information exchange, experience sharing, outreach, and education"

Indymedia Centers
"...also as happened in Seattle, an independent media center (IMC) is being organized to help activist voices break through the corporate media information blockade."

Upcoming IMF/World Bank Protests:
April 16-17,2000

WTO deconstructed
Many on this list will know of Starhawk as a mystic, or as she says, a Pagan and a Witch—author of several books and a teacher revered by covens everywhere.
Starhawk’s Home Page welcome.html
Pagan & peacemonger Starhawk deconstructs anti-WTO demos as a model for future political action. Autonomous, organic, flexible, wholly voluntary affinity groups in action.

How We Really Shut Down the WTO
by Starhawk starhawk/wto.html

So what’s all the fuss about GE foods? Clearcut forests? Bulk water sales? Well, you could look it up—here!

"The Eco-Portal makes searchable through one interface the full content of over 1000 of the leading environmental web sources; including search indices on biodiversity, climate, forests, ozone layer, rainforests and water. "

Rachel’s Weekly is a respected research source. This initiative has exciting potential, IMO.

Rachel’s Environment & Health Weekly
Environmental Research Foundation
. For back issues by email: send to with the single word HELP in the message. Online at
"The RACHEL’S staff has begun a project to identify local groups working on any aspect of "environment and health," including, of course, occupational safety and health. We call it, Making the Movement Visible."

Global Warming - Eco Disaster Imminent globalwarming.htm
Solar power website explains climate warming, offers the evidence, features urgent action letter from UK and US meteorological officials. With freak storms increasing insurance payouts tenfold, year over year, climate change is becoming a hot story. It’s not just for ecofeminists and tree huggers any more. :)

Guide to Nonprofit Advocacy and Policy Groups advocacy%20guide/index.html
Megasites, some with with search engines.
Links with .pdf endings will trigger Adobe Acrobat, whether you’re ready or not.

The Copyright Website

Evaluating Information on the Internet research/education/net.html
provides pointers on how to decide which Web reports to trust.

The Internet Detective desire/internet-detective.html
Tutorial on how to find and how to evaluate info you find on the Internet. You need a machine with frames & cookies capacity. Nice crisp website, lots of white space, hint of humour in the writing. Looks like a useful two-hour tool.

Seven Steps Toward Better Searching WebQuest/searching/sevensteps.html
Vivid lesson to make you a better web searcher in just a few minutes. Bonus! Connects to a page full of specialized search engines. I’ve already suggested that the webweaver add
and as search engines on women’s issues.

Search Engine Tutorial for Web Designers
Tips on how to design your website so that search engines will find it.

Site Tips & Tricks (STAT)
News you can use, for beginners through to experts.

Useful site, clear instructions, neat tricks.

Web browsers web_browser_info/browser_list.html
Nasby offers a chart that lets you evaluate each browser’s features at a glance.

Association of African American Web Developers
Quick-loading website offers 84 links with software & tutorials. Neat font, too!

The Computer Information Center
Tried "word processing" and "voice recognition" searches & got significant resource lists.
Looks like a useful site.

Found a new (to me!) website for reporting spam. Spamcop automatically traces the header info back to the originating ISP and generates a letter of complaint. Also offers, for a fee, a filtering system to review all your email for spam, before it arrives in your mailbox.

Yet another reason that Internet access must be available to all. Free voicemail where people of no fixed address (or extended travel) can log on and pick up telephone messages from any Internet linked computer. Also sends faxes to anywhere in the US or Canada at no cost.

Hoaxs, Chain Letters and Urband Legends

Always useful to have a list like this handy. Please check with these sites before forwarding any virus alerts or other warnings.
From: Internet Help Resource

CIAC Security Site
(hoaxes, chain letters, virus info, etc.)

Computer Virus Myths

Hoax Warnings

Virus Hoaxes vircen/vanalyse/va005.cfm

SARC - Symantec Antivirus Research Center avcenter/hoax.html

Virus Hoax Center library/hoaxes.asp

Urban Legends Archive

cheers, Penney

For more ideas on economical ways to use the Internet see Penney’s suggestions at the Online On The Cheap
section of the Women’s Internet Campaign

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