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Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS

HIV/AIDS continues to be a global and national health threat. There are now more people living with HIV in Canada than ever before. Continuing new infections pose ongoing and new challenges to governments to provide care, treatment and support and HIV prevention programming.

Recognizing that HIV cannot be successfully dealt with by any one jurisdiction, the Council of Deputy Ministers of Health (CDMH) has designated the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS (F/P/T AIDS) as an "ongoing liaison committee." This designation recognizes that ongoing collaboration between governments is fundamental to addressing HIV/AIDS issues in Canada.

FPT AIDS is not a new committee. It has been proactive in addressing HIV/AIDS issues for the last 15 years. F/P/T AIDS has produced in-depth policy and program analyses on emerging HIV/AIDS issues through sharing information and accessing the necessary expertise. The products of these analyses have informed provincial, territorial and federal jurisdictions in policy and program development. Through these activities, F/P/T AIDS significantly influences the development of a pan-Canadian approach to HIV/AIDS.

Strategic Plan

F/P/T AIDS' Strategic Plan for 2003-2006 will guide the committee's activities and supports its leadership role in addressing HIV issues for the next three years. Please see the Strategic Plan's key elements for more information.


F/P/T AIDS contributes to a decrease in the incidence, prevalence and burden of HIV infections in Canada.


F/P/T AIDS provides policy advice on issues and priority initiatives related to HIV/AIDS in Canada.

F/P/T AIDS promotes timely, effective and efficient intergovernmental and interjurisdictional collaboration on issues related to HIV/AIDS in Canada.

Strategic Goals

  • To collaboratively promote further development of public policy on issues related to HIV/AIDS at the federal, provincial and territorial levels over the next three years.
  • To promote increased intergovernmental, interjurisdictional and multilevel collaboration on issues related to HIV/AIDS in Canada over the next three years.
  • To promote the use of epidemiological data and community information in the development of policy, programs and services in Canada over the next three years.


F/P/T AIDS is a committee based on mutual accountability and shared responsibility. To guide its collaborative processes and work, the committee bases its actions on the following principles:

  • Evidence Based
    F/P/T AIDS bases it work on the analysis of the best data, research and practice information available. Where this information is not available, F/P/T AIDS endeavours to encourage or facilitate the research or data gathering necessary to provide an informed analysis of the issue under consideration. F/P/T AIDS recognizes the importance of the contribution of community-based experience in understanding the impact of HIV/AIDS.

  • Collaborative
    F/P/T AIDS' work is collaborative both in principle and in practice. Although its membership is limited to government representatives, F/P/T AIDS endeavours to meet with and support the involvement of key stakeholders and HIV/AIDS experts. The committee recognizes that HIV is broadly impacted by the "determinants of health" and therefore supports the importance of intersectoral as well as intergovernmental collaboration. The practice of information sharing and networking between jurisdictions has supported representatives in strengthening their HIV/AIDS expertise. Respective jurisdictions have been provided with cost-effective policy advice supported through the development of shared language and documents on emerging issues.

  • Flexible
    F/P/T AIDS recognizes the need to respond to emerging HIV/AIDS issues in an environment that is influenced by an evolving and changing epidemic, stakeholder responses and advocacy, health system renewal and jurisdictional changes.

  • Accountable
    F/P/T AIDS representatives are formally accountable to their respective federal, provincial and territorial departments of Health. In addition, F/P/T AIDS, as an "ongoing liaison committee," is accountable to CDMH through the Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security. F/P/T AIDS is committed to identifying measurable outcomes for the strategic objectives, activities and initiatives in which it engages.

  • Consensus Based Decision Making
    F/P/T AIDS and its working groups make decisions by consensus. Consensus means that agreement is reached between all members. Consensus does not necessarily require that each member be fully satisfied with the decision that has been reached; rather, it means that no one is fundamentally opposed and that each member can live with the decision, despite clearly identified differences of opinion.

  • Respectful
    F/P/T AIDS respects the jurisdictional mandates and responsibilities of its members and partners while building on common values, principles, interests and purposes.

F/P/T Members

Mr. Frank McGee (Provincial Co-Chair)
AIDS Coordinator, AIDS Bureau
Community Health Unit
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Ms. Lisa Tobin , Nova Scotia
Communicable Disease Prevention and Control
Nova Scotia Department of Health

Ms. Susannah Fairburn, Saskatchewan
HIV/BBP/IDU Consultant
Population Health Branch
Saskatchewan Health

Ms. Lise Guérard, Québec
Chef de service
Service de lutte contre les Infections Transmissibles Sexuellement et par le Sang (ITSS)
Direction de la protection de la santé publique

Ms. Wanda White, Northwest Territories
Communicable Disease Specialist
Public Health - Population Health
Health and Social Services, Government of the NWT

Ms. Anne Neatby, Prince Edward Island
Communicable Diseases and Immunization Programs
Population Health Division
Department of Health
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Dr. Ameeta Singh, Alberta
Infectious Diseases Medical Consultant
Office of the Provincial Health Officer
Alberta Health and Wellness

Dr. Bryce Larke, Yukon
Medical Health Officer
Yukon Territorial Government
Department of Health and Social Services

Ms Val Steeves, Manitoba
STD/HIV Program Specialist
Communicable Disease Control Unit
Public Health Branch, Manitoba Health

Ms. Elaine Randell, Nunavut
Communicable Disease Consultant
Department of Health and Social Services
Iqaluit, Nunavut

Ms. Gillian Butler, Newfoundland and Labrador
Disease Control Nurse Specialist
Department of Health & Community Services

Mr. Stephen Smith, British Columbia
Blood Borne Pathogens
Communicable Disease and Addictions Prevention
British Columbia Ministry of Health Services

Dr. Frank Plummer (Federal Co-Chair)
Director General
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada

Dr. Chris Archibald, Director
Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention & Control
Public Health Agency of Canada

Ms. Nina Arron, Director
HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada

Mr. Alan Sierolawski, Manager
Health Services Operations
Policy and Administration
Correctional Service Canada

Dr. Tom Wong, Director
Community Acquired Infections Division (CAID)
Public Health Agency of Canada

Dr. Sylvie Martin
Medical Officer
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Mr. Grafton Spooner, Manager
External and Government Relations Section
HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada


F/P/T AIDS Secretariat
HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Address Locator: 0601A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
Telephone: 613-941-9140