Public Health Agency of Canada
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What is CCASN?

What is Canadian Congenital Anomalies Surveillance Network (CCASN)?

The CCASN was established in 2002, under the umbrella of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System (CPSS). It is a national framework to support interdisciplinary collaboration and networking, bringing together research, surveillance and clinical and public health practices, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of surveillance data and expanding our understanding of congenital anomalies.

Mission statement

To support the development and maintenance of high quality population-based surveillance systems of congenital anomalies that will provide information to improve the health of Canadian children and their families.


  1. To increase the quantity and quality of congenital anomalies surveillance activities in Canada;

  2. To develop the minimum data sets and common definitions in order to attain quality and consistency in surveillance activities in Canada;

  3. To be a resource for professional support, eg. epidemiology, medical genetics and others, for new and developing surveillance activities;

  4. To facilitate collaborative congenital anomalies surveillance and research efforts among provinces and territories;

  5. To facilitate the communication of information related to congenital anomalies for health professionals and the Canadian public;

  6. To foster educational opportunities in congenital anomalies surveillance and research.

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