Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Current Funding Opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the priority area of this Invitation to Submit an Application?

The aim of this Invitation to Submit an Application (ISA) is to support projects that focus on "removing barriers, raising awareness and/or promoting participation in cancer screening and early detection among underserved populations."

Proposals submitted for consideration must focus on all three areas of the priority:

  1. cancer screening and early detection;
  2. underserved populations; and
  3. removing barriers, raising awareness and/or promoting participation.


What population groups are considered "underserved"?

The health literature defines underserved populations as "groups whose demographic, geographic, or economic characteristics impede or prevent their access to health care services."

Studies have found that underserved populations are less likely to participate in screening, have later-stage cancer diagnosis, and as a result, are more likely to experience unfavourable outcomes from the disease. The aim of this solicitation is to support projects that focus on removing barriers, raising awareness and/or promoting participation of these groups in cancer screening and early detection.

Underserved population groups that are less likely to participate in cancer screening and early detection include, but are not limited to:

  • Newcomers and immigrants
  • Rural and remote Canadians
  • People with disabilities
  • Segments of the population with low income, low literacy (literacy barriers) and/or low education levels
  • First Nations living off-reserve, Inuit and Métis
  • Language minorities
  • Ethnically and/or racially diverse


Can organizations submit more than one proposal?

Yes. Organizations may submit more than one proposal only if they are significantly different in scope of work. A complete and separate application form will need to be completed for each proposal submission.


What types of organizations are eligible to apply for funding?

The types of organizations that are eligible to apply for funding include:

  • Canadian, not-for-profit, voluntary organizations and corporations;
  • unincorporated not-for-profit groups, societies, and coalitions;
  • regional and public health authorities;
  • provincial, territorial and local governments; and
  • educational and post-secondary institutions.


What are the eligibility criteria to apply?

Please ensure that your organization meets all of the eligibility and funding criteria outlined in the Guidelines for Applicants. The following criteria have to be met in order for your organization to be eligible to apply:

  • be carried out within the time frame of the authorities;
  • advance the program's objectives;
  • be consistent with the Public Health Agency of Canada's mandate and priorities;
  • be in compliance with the Guidelines for Applicants; and
  • be national in scope or linked to a national context.


Are there any other funding criteria I should know about?

  • Project objectives must be consistent with screening practice guidelines/recommendations that are widely accepted by experts, such as the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care and the US Preventative Services Task Force.
  • Projects must be developed with input and participation of the target underserved population.
  • Results of projects must have national implications and benefits. This can include being national in scope in terms of partners, benefits to the target population, and replicating results in other parts of the country.
  • Projects must demonstrate the use and transfer of information and knowledge that expands beyond local or regional areas.


What criteria will be used to assess my proposal?

The detailed proposal assessment criteria are outlined in Appendix B of the Guidelines for Applicants document. Broadly, the criterion includes:

  1. Project relevance and need;
  2. Objectives and expected results;
  3. National scope and applicability;
  4. Partnerships and collaborations;
  5. Knowledge transfer activities;
  6. Sustainability plan;
  7. Workplan;
  8. Evaluation;
  9. Your organization;
  10. Budget; and
  11. Overall quality and value of investment.


What amount of funding is available and for what project duration?

This Invitation to Submit an Application is for projects that may be up to two years (24 months) in duration. Organizations may apply for up to $500,000 per year (for up to a total amount of $1,000,000). The Detailed Budget Template provided must be completed and included in your application.

It is anticipated that projects will start as early as February 2012, so your budget for the first fiscal year should reflect only 2 months of spending (February and March 2012). This would be followed by a full fiscal year (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013) and then the last 10 months (April 1, 2013 – January 31, 2014) of the project.


How do I submit the budget and from what month and fiscal year?

The detailed budget is an integral part of the application. Funding received from the Public Health Agency of Canada may only be used for expenses directly related to the activities of the approved project. The Detailed Budget Template provided must be completed and included in your application. Applicants must break down costs per category and per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).

It is anticipated that projects will start as early as February 2012, so your budget for the first fiscal year should reflect only 2 months of spending (February and March 2012). This would be followed by a full fiscal year (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013) and then the last 10 months (April 1, 2013 – January 31, 2014) of the project. Organizations may apply for up to $500,000 per year (for up to a total amount of $1,000,000).

There are additional pages concerning the budget (5 and 6) in the Application for Funding form which must also be fully completed or the submission will be screened out.

Please note the following:

  • All sources of funding for projects must be identified, including in-kind contributions
  • Budget items must be identified for each activity and must directly relate to the project activities/objectives
  • The estimated amounts must be reasonable and reflective of fair market value
  • Depending on the approval process, successful applicants may be requested to revise their budgets.


What are eligible expenditures/costs?

Eligible costs include such expenses as personnel, travel and accommodation, materials, equipment, rent and utilities, and evaluation costs related to the approved project. Refer to Appendix A of the Guidelines for Applicants for additional details.

PHAC will not reimburse for costs incurred in the preparation and/or submission of an application, and no expenses for approved projects may be incurred prior to the acceptance of the Grant Agreement or Contribution Agreement by all parties.


What is required in the evaluation plan?

Evaluation of the project should include a well articulated plan to assess the project or elements of the project. The plan should describe what and how information will be collected and the proposal must include appropriate, measurable success indicators for each objective.

Typical evaluation costs can include contract fees for an external evaluator, costs for staff, board members or participants involved in the planning, data collection and analysis components of the evaluation. Adequate resources should be allocated for evaluation and the cost for evaluation is approximately 5-10% of the total project cost.


What is PERT?

PERT stands for Project Evaluation and Reporting Tool. In addition to the evaluation plan for the project, PHAC has introduced the PERT, a new tool that must be completed on an annual basis. PERT is designed to help monitor and document the effectiveness of all community-based programs funded by PHAC. This tool also helps to assess the impact of these programs on the health of Canadians and their communities.

Applicants must be willing to complete the PERT and staff and resources should be allocated to the collection and tracking of related information (an additional 2% of the overall evaluation cost).

For more information on the PERT, please visit the following website


How useful is it to have other partners involved in the project?

Preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate partnerships and multi-sectoral engagement or involvement.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to partner with organizations working in sectors other than cancer. Effective cancer prevention initiatives are enhanced through multi-sectoral responses, involving players such as non-governmental organizations, governments (municipal, provincial/territorial and federal), workplaces, industry, health services, social services, and educational institutions.


What is the deadline to apply for funding?

The deadline for submissions is June 17, 2011. The Public Health Agency of Canada will NOT accept applications by email or by facsimile, or postmarked after the deadline.


What do I include in my application package?

The mandatory application requirements are outlined in the Guidelines for Applicants document. Please note that applicants are required to use the templates provided. Applications submitted using any other forms or formats will not be accepted.

Your application package must include the following:

  • Application for Funding Form
  • Detailed description of your project proposal (Use the required templates): Proposal Template, Work Plan Template, Evaluation Plan Template, and Budget Template*
  • Evidence or your organization's eligibility (i.e. copy of your certificate of status, incorporation documents (letters patent), provincial/territorial papers, Board of Director's list, Terms of Reference or governing structure)
  • Copy of documentation confirming status of funding from other sources (if applicable)
  • Signed official letters of support from partners demonstrating partnership commitment to the proposed project, describing the type and nature of the contribution
  • One original, 5 copies and one copy of the application package on CD/DVD
  • Signed official letter from the sponsoring organization, demonstrating agreement to sponsor the project
  • *The maximum length for proposals (including the Workplan Template, Evaluation Plan Template, and Budget Templates) is 20 pages, single-spaced. Please use Times New Roman Font, Size 12.


How do I submit my application?

You must complete all parts of the application package, and include 1 (one) original plus five (5) printed copies your complete application package on CD/DVD postmarked by the deadline date of June 17, 2011.

Due to the Canada Post strike, we recommend sending your complete application package by courier postmarked by the deadline of June 17, 2011.

Courier your complete application package:

Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
8th Floor – 785 Carling Avenue, Address Locator 6808B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9