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Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System
Program Report 2002-2003

Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care Acquired Infections Division
June 2005

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Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System Program Report 2002-2003

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Results
3.1 AdverseTransfusionEventsIncludedforAnalysis
3.2 AdverseTransfusionEventsRelatedtoBloodComponents
3.2.1 Type of Blood Components Implicated in Adverse Transfusion Events
3.2.2 Relationship of Adverse Transfusion Events to Transfusion
3.2.3 Severity of Adverse Transfusion Events
3.2.4 Diagnosis of Adverse Transfusion Events Related to Blood Components
3.2.5 Type of Adverse Transfusion Events by Relationship to Transfusion
3.2.6 Type of Adverse Transfusion Events by Severity
3.2.7 Analysis of Specific Type of Adverse Transfusion Events ABO Incompatibility Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions Bacterial Contamination
    A) Bacterial Contamination by Relationship to Transfusion
    B) Bacterial Contamination by Type of Blood Components Transfused
    C) Bacterial Contamination by Severity of Adverse Transfusion Events
    D) Bacterial Contamination by Type of Pathogens Involved
3.2.8 Incidence of Adverse Transfusion Events
3.3 AdverseTransfusionEventsRelatedtoPlasmaDerivativesand RecombinantProducts
  3.3.1 Diagnosis of Adverse Transfusion Events Related to Plasma Derivatives and Recombinant Products
  3.3.2 Type of Adverse Transfusion Events by Relationship to Transfusion
  3.3.3 Type of Adverse Transfusion Events by Severity
3.4 Fatalities
  .4.1 Incidence of Fatal Events Related to Transfusion of Blood Components
4 Discussion
5 References

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The following text, figures and tables were prepared by:

Antonio Giulivi, MD, FRCPC
Blood Safety Surveillance and
Health Care Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada

Magalie Cator, MD, MSc
Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section
Blood Safety Surveillance and
Health Care Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada

Pierre Robillard, MD
Medical Advisor

Nancy McCombie, RN
Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section
Blood Safety Surveillance and
Health Care Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada

Micheline (Mindy) Miron
Acting Surveillance Officer
Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section
Blood Safety Surveillance and
Health Care Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada


A national surveillance system is only as strong as the participating federal/provincial/territorial partners and the Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System is no exception. The Public Health Agency of Canada recognizes the invaluable contributions of all the stakeholders in the system including but not limited to transfusion safety officers, laboratory technologists, nurses, and blood bank physicians. Without their timely provision of data on adverse transfusion events, there could be no analysis of the national importance of these occurrences. The advice and collaboration of all participating sites and of the two blood manufacturers (Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Québec) as well as the members of the regulatory branch of Health Canada is essential to the system and to have a meaningful positive effect on the health of Canadians.

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Dr. Ted Alport1
Medical Director
Canadian Blood Services
Regina, Saskatchewan

Dr. Grlica Bolesnikov1
Scientific Research Officer
Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health
NB Department of Health and Wellness
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Dr. David Anderson2
Head, Division of Hematology
Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Pathology
Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre
and Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Norman Caissie
Systems Analyst
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Robert Barr
Formerly: Medical Director Blood
Transfusion Laboratory, LLSG
Victoria Campus
London Health Sciences Centre
Now: Medical Director
Canadian Blood Services
London, Ontario
Dr. Jeannie Callum
Director of Transfusion Medicine &
Tissue Banks
Sunnybrook and Women's College Health
Sciences Centre
Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Gilles Delage1, 2
Medical Affairs
Montréal, Québec
Eric Galton
Systems Analyst
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Roger Y. Dodd2
Vice President
Research and Development
Holland Laboratory
Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A.
Mr. Robin Greig1
Manager, Diagnostic and Therapeutic
Stanton Territorial Health Authority
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Ms. Janet Egan
Surveillance Officer
Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Ms. Nancy Heddle
Director, McMaster Transfusion Research
Hamilton Health Sciences Centre
Hamilton, Ontario
Dr. John Freedman
Director of Transfusion Medicine
St. Michael's Hospital
Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Farid Hindieh1
Chief, Blood and Vaccine Unit
Clinical Evaluation Division
Centre for Biologics Evaluation
Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Kevin Forbes
Systems Analyst
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Carole Légaré1, 2
Manager, Clinical Section 1
Marketed Biologicals and Biotechnology
Products Division
Marketed Health Products Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Ms. Judy Hoff1
Laboratory Information Systems
Specialist/Technologist II
Transfusions Department
Regina General Hospital
Regina, Saskatchewan
Ms. Ana Lima
Transfusion Safety Nurse
Sunnybrook and Women's College Health
Sciences Centre
Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Heather Hume2
Executive Medical Director
Transfusion Medicine
Canadian Blood Services
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Huw Lloyd1
Ontario Ministry of Health and
Long-Term Care
Ottawa, Ontario
Ms. Cindy Hyson1
Nova Scotia Transfusion Practice
Nurse Coordinator
Provincial Blood Coordinating Program
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Ms. Heather MacMillan1
Project Coordinator
Department of Health and Social Services
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Nick Karitsiotis
Senior Business & Technology Analyst
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Rama Nair2
Professor and Acting Chair
Department of Epidemiology and
Community Medicine
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Bryce Larke2
Medical Health Officer
Yukon Government
Whitehorse, Yukon
Dr. Pierre Robillard2
Unité de recherche en Hémovigilance
Institut national de santé publique du
Montréal, Québec
Mark Osmond
Support Analyst
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Gail Rock
Formerly: Chief, Hematology and
Transfusion Medicine Division
Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus
Ottawa, Ontario
Stew Partington
Systems Analyst
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Mr. John Rumboldt1
Director, Board Services
Newfoundland Ministry of Health and
Community Services
St. John's, Newfoundland
Dr. David Pi2
Provincial Blood Coordinating Office
Vancouver, British Columbia
John Saldanha
Scientific Director, Blood Screening
Roche Molecular Systems Inc.
Pleasanton, California, U.S.A.
Ms. Céline Poulin1
Conseillère en Hémovigilance
Secrétariat du Système du sang
Direction générale de la Santé publique
Ministère de la Santé et des
Services sociaux
Québec, Québec
Dr. Alexandra Simniceanu1
Clinical Evaluator
Clinical Evaluation Division
Center for Biologics Evaluation
Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Ms. Carol Renner
Director of Blood Programs
Manitoba Health
Provincial Blood Programs
Coordinating Office
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ms. Susan Shaw
Information Manager
Health Surveillance Branch
Public Health Division
Alberta Health and Wellness
Edmonton, Alberta
Dr. David M.C. Sutton
Medical Director, Transfusion Medicine
University Health Network
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Linda Van Til
Department of Health and Social Services
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Ms. Madelaine Swaters1
Manager, Blood Services
Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
Public Health Division
Alberta Health and Wellness
Edmonton, Alberta
Dr. Ian Wilkinson1
Special Consultant
Blood Programs
Manitoba Health
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ms. Susan Turnbull1
Provincial Blood Programs Coordinating
Manitoba Health
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ms. Mary-Ann Wotherspoon
Program Advisor
Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section
Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care
Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
  1. National Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System Working Group.
  2. National Working Party for Data Review.

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List of Acronyms

ATE Adverse Transfusion Event
CMVIg Cytomegalovirus immune globulin
IBCT Incorrect Blood Components Transfused
IVIg Intravenous immune globulin
MS ACCESS Microsoft Access
NTTISS WG National Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System Working Group
NWPDR National Working Party for Data Review
PHAC Public Health Agency of Canada
PTP Post-Transfusion Purpura
RSVIg Respiratory syncitial virus immune globulin
SHOT Serious Hazards of Transfusion
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science
TRALI Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury
TTISS Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System
UK United Kingdom

Our mission is to promote and protect the health of Canadians through leadership, partnership, innovation and action in public health Public Health Agency of Canada Published by authority of the Minister of Health This publication can be made available on computer diskette or in large print upon request.

For more information, copies of this report please contact:

Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Section
Blood Safety Surveillance and
Health Care Acquired Infections Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Building No. 6
Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2
Internal Postal Address: 0601E2
Telephone: (613) 957-6217
Facsimile: (613) 952-6668

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by
the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2005
Cat. No. HP37-1/2003
ISBN 662-69188-1