Public Health Agency of Canada
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These documents and links are provided for your interest and background reading. Inclusion on this site does not imply endorsement of them by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Note: Some of the following documents are not currently available electronically. Ordering information is given if available.

Listed By Title: I - L

The Improving the Quality of Life of Canadian Seniors Project (2000)
This report presents in detail what seniors said about nine key areas in which government decisions are being made that affect their quality of life.

Improving the Health of Canadians, 2004
Improving the Health of Canadians focuses on why some Canadians are healthy and others are not; and underscores some of the choices communities face in creating more equal opportunities for good health.

Information/Resources/Links for Population Health Website (1999)
Provides a listing of population health information and resources available on the internet (Sept/Oct, 1999).

"Income Inequality and mortality" British Medical Journal; 320 (2000)
Discusses three associations between income inequality and health: the individual income interpretation, the psychosocial environment interpretation, and the neo-material interpretation.

Income, Socioeconomic Status, and Health: Exploring the Relationships
Edited by James A. Auerbach and Barbara Kivimae Krimgold. 
This book argues that a revolution to achieve better health is not needed, but that small differences in socioeconomic status can result in significant gains in health.

Indicators that Count! Measuring Population Health at the Community Level
By Trevor Hancock, Ron Labonte and Rick Edwards. (1999)
The full report is to be published by the Center for Health Promotion, University of Toronto and ParticipACTION. Abstracted version is available in Canadian Journal of Public Health, Nov/Dec, 1999, Vol 90-Supplement 1.

Indicators of Quality of Life in Canada: A Citizens' Prototype (2001) PDF
Includes a prototype set of national indicators to track Canada's progress in quality of life, as defined by citizens.

Inequality is Bad for Our Hearts (2001)
Concludes that the economic and social conditions are more critical in determining heart disease than medical and lifestyle risk factors.

Intergovernmental Collaboration on HIV/AIDS
By The Advisory Committee on Population Health (ACPH), outlines ways in which strengthening intergovernmental and intersectoral collaboration can improve Canada's effectiveness in dealing with the challenges of HIV/AIDS, discusses factors for success, and provides examples of mechanisms that have been established to facilitate such collaboration. Copies can be obtained through the Canadian HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse at 1-877-999-7740.  Note: This document is a companion to Intersectoral Action ...Towards Population Health PDF

Integrated Model of Population Health and Health Promotion (1996)
Examines how population health and health promotion are related.

"International Perspectives on Health Inequalities and Policy" British Medical Journal; 322 (2001)
Provides an overview of the current debates around inequity, inequalities, poverty, and health, drawing together current international understandings of the problem.

Intersectoral Action (ISA) for Health Toolkit: Case Studies (2000) PDF
This guide on "how to do intersectoral action" includes two case studies which document intersectoral action in Alberta/NWT.

The Intersectoral Action Toolkit: The Cloverleaf Model for Success (2000) PDF
Is a compact, practical guide for government, community and business partners working across sectors.

Intersectoral Action ... Towards Population Health (1999) PDF
Illustrates and reinforces the importance of intersectoral action for health by partners inside and outside the health sector.

Investing in Early Child Development: the Health Sector Contribution (1999) PDF
This paper identifies key opportunities for action by the health sector on early childhood development (0-6 years).

Investment in Population Health in Five OECD Countries
OECD Health Working Papers N-2, 2003 PDF
There is growing interest in the potential for preventive interventions to improve average health status in OECD countries and to tackle remaining health inequalities. The paper focuses on population health investment in Australia, Canada, Korea, Sweden and Switzerland.

The Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion (1997)
Provides a reflection on what has been learned about effective health promotion, and identifies directions and strategies.

The Limitations of Population Health as a Model for a New Public Health: A Critical Analysis.
Raphael, D., & Bryant, T. Health Promotion International, 17, 189-199. (2002)