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These documents and links are provided for your interest and background reading. Inclusion on this site does not imply endorsement of them by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Note: Some of the following documents are not currently available electronically. Ordering information is given if available.

Listed By Title: M - P

Promoting Health in Canada An Overview of Recent Developments & Initiatives
This document outlines key developments and initiatives in Canada since the Fifth Global Conference on Health Promotion, in Mexico (June, 2000). It addresses developments in a some key areas such as knowledge development, exchange and capacity building; policies and actions; evaluation and accountability; and considers challenges and opportunities for the future. PDF Version PDF

Spanish version :

Promoción de la salud en Canadá Perspectiva general de los avances e iniciativas recientes
Este documento esboza los avances e iniciativas fundamentales realizados en Canadá desde la Quinta Conferencia Internacional de Promoción de la Salud, celebrada en México (junio de 2000). El documento trata los avances en algunas áreas clave como el desarrollo, intercambio y fomento de la capacidad en materia de conocimientos; las políticas y acciones; la evaluación y rendición de cuentas; y considera los desafíos y oportunidades para el futuro.
PDF version

Making the Case for Social and Economic Inclusion (2000)
Examines the potential of the social inclusion concept for contributing to the development of healthy social policy in the Atlantic region. It is accompanied by a 19-page annotated bibliography.

Making Public Policy Healthy... A Vision For Our Community's Health (1995)
Is intended for individuals or groups seeking to either create a policy to benefit the health of community residents, or support, oppose or advocate for change in a policy which may have health effects.

1st National Consensus Conference on Population Health Indicators (1999)
Provides a list of confirmed health indicators and their definitions, illustrative indicators for potential future development, and a health indicators framework.

National Forum on Health (1997)
Series of five reports provide a invaluable reference guide for all those interested in health and health care issues.  The Forum officially ended its operations in 1997. 

Nova Scotia Child Poverty Report Card 2000 (2000)
This report examines child/family poverty statistics in the context of Nova Scotia's families.

Nutrition for Healthy Pregnancy: National Guidelines for the Childbearing Years (1999)
Nutrition and pregnancy are discussed in the context of health determinants. The guidelines are intended for health professionals who offer nutritional guidance to women. 

A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians (1974)
The 1974 report on health promotion that led to an evolution in thinking about health. 

The Opportunity of Adolescence: The Health Sector Contribution (2000)
Using the determinants of health framework, the paper describes the current health status for adolescents and identifies areas where certain youth have greater needs for information and support. 

Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986)
Presents fundamental strategies and approaches for health promotion that still have much currency in Canada and internationally.

Paradigms Lost: Examining the Impact of a Shift from Health Promotion to Population Health on HIV/AIDS Policy and Program in Canada.
Wong, D. Ottawa: Canadian AIDS Society. (1997)

Population Health: Concepts and Methods
By T. Kue Young  (1998)
Is intended for introductory or intermediate courses in epidemiology and community health. Each chapter includes case studies, which provide short summaries of related published studies. 

Population Health and Child Development: A View from Canada. 
Hertzman, C.  In J. Auerbach & B. Krimgold (eds), Income, Socioeconomic Status, and Health: Exploring the Relationships.  Washington DC: National Policy Association. (2001)

Population Health and Health Promotion: What do they have to say to each other?
Labonte, R. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 86, 165-168. (1995)

Population Health and Health System Restructuring: Has Our Knowledge of Social and Environmental Determinants of Health Made a Difference?
By R. Labonte, S. Jackson, and S. Chirrey, prepared for the Synthesis and Dissemination Unit, Health Promotion and Programs Branch, Health Canada. (1998)
This paper examines the role population health ideas have played in health system reform policy, health goals and health system planning work. It provides "lessons learned" about how population health ideas can be advanced within, and acted upon, by restructuring health systems in Canada. 

Population Health - Guide Application
The goal of the Population Health Fund is to increase community capacity for action on or across the determinants of health.

The Population Health/Health Promotion Debate in Canada: The politics of explanation, economics, and action. 
Labonte, R. Critical Public Health, 7, 7-27. (1997)

Population Health in Canada: A Systematic Review 
By Michael V. Hayes and James R. Dunn (Canadian Policy Research Network Study No. H01, 1998)
Traces the development of population health through major source documents, critiques, policy documents, and technical papers that espouse or engage the ideas of population health. 

Population Health In Canada: A Working Paper (1999)
Provides a snapshot of population health activities in Canada and introduces, and briefly discusses political, logistical, resource allocation, measurement and evaluation issues.

Population Health Newsletter - Fall 2001 Issue (2001)
Profiles case studies that demonstrate how population health has been implemented at the regional, national and international levels.

Population Health Newsletter - Fall 2000 Issue (2000)
Features article on "Are Socially Unequal Communities Less Healthy?"; and highlights the latest information in population health. 

Population Health Mobilization: A Regional Strategy (1999)
This paper outlines the strategy used to steer the regional mobilization of the population health approach.

Population Health - Putting Concepts into Action (1998)
This report is intended to facilitate the translation of the population health concept into action.

Population Health Promotion: An Integrated Model of Population Health and Health Promotion(1996)
Examines how population health and health promotion are related.

Population Health, Sustainable Development and Policy Futures (1999) PDF
Examines changing ideas on, and links between, sustainable development and population health.  It also looks at the possible pitfalls and rewards of integrating them into health policy.

The Population Health Template: Key Elements and Actions That Define A Population Health Approach (2001) PDF
Organizes and consolidates current understandings of population health.  The template outlines the procedures and processes required to implement a population health approach. 
Also see: The Population Health Template Working Tool PDF and Overview/Handout (colour version / black and white version) PDF

Public Involvement Framework & Guidelines (2000)
Public involvement is critical to creating effective government health policy.  This guide will be a useful contribution to the policy and program development process.

Putting the Population Into Population Health. 
Raphael, D. & Bryant, T. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 91, 9-12. (2000)

Preventive Medicine for the Doctor in his Community
By Leavell, H.R. and Clark, E.G. New York: McGraw-Hill. (1958)

"Psychosocial and Material Pathways in the Relation Between Income and Health" British Medical Journal; 322 (2001)
Is a response to Lynch et al "Income inequality and mortality" emphasizing the importance of psychosocial pathways.