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These documents and links are provided for your interest and background reading. Inclusion on this site does not imply endorsement of them by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Note: Some of the following documents are not currently available electronically. Ordering information is given if available.

Listed By Title: U - Z

Unhealthy Societies: The Afflictions of Inequality
By Richard Wilkinson, (1996)
Richard Wilkinson is an expert on social structure and the psychosocial determinants of population health and welfare. He is also the co-editor (with M. Marmot) of The Social Determinants of Health (Oxford U.P.1999); and (with I. Kawachi and B. Kennedy) of Income Inequality and Health; Vol. 1 of The Society and Population Health Reader. (New Press 1999). 

Upstream and Downstream Approaches to Inequalities in Health (1999) PDF
This paper concludes that we cannot hope to significantly reduce the burden of disease in societies unless we grapple with the upstream determinants of social inequalities. 

The Verona Benchmark: Guide to the Assessment of Good Practice within Partnership Working PDF
The benchmark is designed to be used by multi-sectoral partnerships working at the local and regional level to help them focus on delivering sustainable and integrated health, social and economic development.

The Verona Benchmark Self Assessment Tool PDF
Provides six enabler and five results elements and their associated characteristics of good practice. Provides both guidance and interpretation of the levels that partnership working may reach.

Where is the Evidence? (1999)
Speaking Notes for Alan Nymark, Associate Deputy Minister of Health: National Health Policy in the 21st Century, 4th Annual HEALnet Conference Calgary, March 28, 1999. 

Why Are Some People Healthy and Others Not?
By the Canadian Institute of Advanced Research (1994).
Highlights observations that have heretofore been difficult to explain within traditional clinical or health-promotion understandings of what makes some populations healthier than others. 

Windows to Youth Health: Population Health Fund Program Evaluation for BC Region Youth Projects 2004/2005
he purpose of this evaluation is to examine the overall effectiveness of Health Canada's Population Health Fund's (PHF) regional funding for youth in British Columbia and to produce a program evaluation roll-up report. This report was requested by the Health Canada's Population and Public Health Branch (PPHB), British Columbia Regional Office.

Workshop on Addiction and Population Health (1999)
Focuses on the role of addiction in the population health model and on how the model might affect future directions of addictions programming and policy.