Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Tracking Web Page Visits to Improve Your Online Experience

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) tracks data associated with Web page visits so that we can continue to improve our service to Canadians.

How it’s Done

PHAC uses a Web analytics tool to track your visits to each Web page using cookies and page tags.

Cookies and page tags track:

  • The number of times you visit;
  • Your first and last visit;
  • When you leave the Web site;
  • What site referred you to a given page;
  • What key word you used; and/or
  • What geographic location you are in.

How it Benefits You

Cookies and page tags enable PHAC to learn about visitor trends so that we can modify our Web site to better suite your online needs by:

  • Determining which subjects are of most interest to visitors;
  • Ensuring related information is easily accessible; and
  • Understanding routes visitors take to get to our Web site, and how they navigate within our Web site, to ensure logical links are made.

Protecting Your Privacy

The cookies and page tags used by the Web analytics tool do not gather any specific personal information, such as your name, phone number email address or IP address. In all cases, data is used only in aggregate. You also have the option of choosing to not accept cookies by adjusting your browser settings.