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Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada

CDIC: Information for Authors

Chronic Diseases in Canada (CDIC) is a quarterly scientific journal focussing on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and injuries in Canada. Its feature articles are peer reviewed. The content of articles may include research from such fields as epidemiology, public/community health, biostatistics, the behavioural sciences, and health services or economics. CDIC endeavours to foster communication on chronic diseases and injuries among public health practitioners, epidemiologists and researchers, health policy planners and health educators. Submissions are selected based on scientific quality, public health relevance, clarity, conciseness and technical accuracy. Although CDIC is a publication of the Public Health Agency of Canada, contributions are welcomed from both the public and private sectors. Authors retain responsibility for the contents of their papers, and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the CDIC editorial committee nor of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Article Types

  • Peer-reviewed Feature Article: Maximum 4,000 words for main text body (excluding abstract, tables, figures, references) in the form of original research, surveillance reports, meta-analyses or methodological papers.
  • Status Report: Describe ongoing national programs, studies or information systems bearing on Canadian public health (maximum 3,000 words). Abstract not required.
  • Workshop/Conference Report: Summarize significant, recently held events relating to national public health (maximum1,200 words). Abstract not required.
  • Cross-Canada Forum: For authors to present or exchange information and opinions on regional or national surveillance findings, programs under development or public health policy initiatives (maximum 3,000 words). Abstract not required.
  • Letter to the Editor: Comments on articles recently published in CDIC will be considered for publication (maximum 500 words). Abstract not required.
  • Book/Software Review: Usually solicited by the editors (500 - 1,300 words), but requests to review are welcomed. Abstract not required.

Submitting Manuscripts

Submit manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief, Chronic Diseases in Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, 785 Carling Avenue, CDIC Address Locator: 6807B, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9, e-mail:

Since CDIC adheres in general (section on illustrations not applicable) to the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" as approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, authors should refer to this document for complete details before submitting a manuscript to CDIC (see This link will take you to another Web site ).

Checklist for Submitting Manuscripts

Cover letter: Signed by all authors, stating that all have seen and approved the final manuscript and have met the authorship including a full statement regarding any prior or duplicate publication or submission for publication.

First title page: Concise title; full names of all authors and institutional affiliations; name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers for corresponding author; separate word counts for abstract and text.

Second title page: Title only; start page numbering here as page 1.

Abstract: Unstructured (one paragraph, no headings), maximum 175 words (100 for short reports); include 3-8 key words (preferably from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus).

Text: Double-spaced, 1 inch (25 mm) margins, 12 point font size.

Acknowledgements: Include disclosure of financial and material support in acknowledgements; if anyone is credited in acknowledgements with substantive scientific contributions, authors should state in cover letter that they have obtained written permission.

References: In "Vancouver style" (consult a recent CDIC issue for examples); numbered in superscript in the order cited in text, tables and figures; listing up to six authors (first three and "et al." if more); without any automatic reference numbering feature used in word processing; any unpublished observations/data or personal communications used (discouraged) to be cited in the text in parentheses (authors responsible for obtaining written permission); authors are responsible for verifying accuracy of references.

Tables and Figures: Send vector graphics only. Each on a separate page and in electronic file(s) separate from the text (not imported into the text body); as self-explanatory and succinct as possible; not too numerous; numbered in the order that they are mentioned in the text; explanatory material for tables in footnotes, identified by lower-case superscript letters in alphabetical order; figures limited to graphs or flow charts/templates (no photographs), with software used specified and titles/footnotes on a separate page.

Number of copies: If submitting by mail, one complete copy, including tables and figures; one copy of any related supplementary material, and a copy of the manuscript on diskette. If submitting by e-mail to, please fax or mail the covering letter to the address on the inside front cover.