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Paediatrics & Child Health

Vol. 4 Supp. C - July/August 1999

Canadian National Report on Immunization, 1998
Immunize Grow Healthy
The artwork on the cover is an original drawing by Emily Brazill, a grade 6 French Immersion student at St Pius X Elementary School in Regina, Saskatchewan. Ms Brazill is the winner of the 1998 Canadian National Immunization Poster Competition. This year's competition drew more than 2500 entries from across Canada. Prizes included a laptop computer with colour printer and CorelDraw software as well as a trip to Calgary to receive the award at the National Immunization Conference.



Feature Editorial

Feature issues
Varicella: Highlights on current issues and challenges

The Nationwide Immunization Records Network

Vaccine-preventable Diseases Update
   Update on the epidemiology of selected vaccine-preventable diseases
Hepatitis B
      Invasive Hib
   Reports on rare diseases
   Active surveillance of selected vaccine preventable diseases
   Surveillance systems
      Congenital rubella

Vaccine coverage
Coverage among two-year olds
Coverage among seven-year-olds

Cold chain
Vaccine storage and transportation

1998 National Report (interim) on Immunization Vaccine Safety Issues And Surveillance
Reported adverse events temporally associated with vaccine administration in Canada: 1993 to 1997 summary tables
Vaccine associated adverse event (VAAE) surveillance system: A five-year review

Program update
Provincial and territorial routine immunization schedules for infants, children and adolescents, 1998. Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b, measles, mumps and rubella
Provincial and territorial hepatitis B immunization programs, 1998
Other provincial and territorial immunization programs, 1998: Meningococcal vaccine; hepatitis A vaccine; Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine; pneumococcal vaccine; and influenza vaccine
Update on provincial and territorial legislation regarding immunization

Appendix 1: Temporal criteria for inclusion of adverse events

Canadian selected publications, 1997 to 1999