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Registration and Inquiry Service

Registration and Inquiry Service
91 Pages - 1,876 KB in PDF Format pdf

Table of Contents

Introduction: Emergency Social Services
Human Consequences of Disasters
Emergency Social Services
Emergency Social Service (ESS) Planning
Community Emergency Response Plan
Emergency Social Services and Canadian Disasters
Chapter 1: The Registration and Inquiry Service
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Purposes
Chapter 2: The Registration and Inquiry Organization
2.1 Preparedness Planning
2.2 Organizing the R&I Service in a Community
2.2.1 Coordinator of Registration and Inquiry
2.2.2 The R&I Planning Committee
2.2.3 R&I Supervisor at the Reception Centre
2.2.4 R&I Workers at the Reception Centre
2.2.5 Central Registration and Inquiry Bureau Manager
2.2.6 Central Registration and Inquiry Bureau Supervisors and Volunteers
2.3 Organization Chart
2.4 Backup Personnel
2.5 Recruiting R&I Personnel
Chapter 3: Resources Survey and Directory
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Planning the R&I Survey
3.3 Conducting the Survey
3.4 Written Agreements
3.5 Registration and Inquiry Resource Directory
3.6 Keeping the R&I Directory Accurate and Up-To-Date
Chapter 4: Operational Guidelines
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Registration – Operational Guidelines
4.3 Inquiry – Operational Guidelines
4.4 Responding to Inquiries in a Major Disaster
4.5 Notification of Next-Of-Kin
4.6 Missing Persons
4.7 Reuniting Families
4.8 Telephones – Central Registration and Inquiry Bureau
4.9 Filing System
4.10 Disposition of Registration and Inquiry Cards
4.11 Confidentiality
4.12 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Chapter 5: Processing Registration & Inquiry Cards
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Processing R&I Cards at Reception Centres and Other Operational Sites
5.3 Processing R&I Cards at the Central Registration and Inquiry Bureau
5.3.1 Central Registration and Inquiry Bureau – Definition and Objective
5.3.2 Central Registration and Inquiry Bureau Processes
1. Intake Unit
2. Research Unit
3. Reply Unit
Chapter 6: Registration and Inquiry Service Training
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Training Responsibilities
6.3 Training Program
6.4 Role-Play
6.5 Completing Registration and Inquiry Cards
6.6 Recruiting Trainers to Assist You

Chapter 7: Registration and Inquiry Plan

7.1 Planning Responsibilities
7.2 Some Characteristics of an R&I Plan
7.3 Content of the R&I Plan
7.4 Written Agreement
7.5 Mutual Aid Agreements
7.6 Testing the Operations
7.7 Distribution of the Plan
7.8 R&I Community Evacuation Response Plan
7.9 R&I Service in Sudden Local Disasters
7.10 R&I Service – Hospital Disaster Plan

Appendix A:

Emergency Social Services Organization Chart
Appendix B: Registration and Inquiry Service Organization Chart
Appendix C: Space, Equipment, Supplies and Reference Tools Required by the Registration and Inquiry Service at Operational Sites
Appendix D: R& I Operations Log
Appendix E: Registration Card and Recording Instructions
Appendix F: Inquiry Card and Recording Instructions
Appendix G: Standard Telephone Replies to Inquiries
Appendix H: Registration and Inquiry Service Resource Directory Update
Appendix I: Emergency Pack – Checklist
Appendix J: Emergency Kit – Evacuation Checklist
Appendix K: Emergency Workers and Volunteers: Coping with Stress During and After A Disaster
Appendix L: Emergency Social Services – Glossary of Terms


This manual, produced by the Office of Emergency Services of Health Canada, is a practical guide to planning, organizing, training staff, and operating the Registration and Inquiry Service in a disaster.

The purpose of the Registration and Inquiry Service is to reunite family members separated in a disaster and to collect information and answer inquiries concerning the condition and whereabouts of missing persons.

The information offered in this manual is based on current knowledge and practice derived from case reports, the practical experiences of Registration and Inquiry Service volunteers and organizations, and the personal experiences of disaster survivors and evacuees.

It is hoped that this publication will be a useful tool for planners, trainers and workers responsible for the Registration and Inquiry Service in communities across Canada.

Comments or suggestions that would help improve the delivery of this service are welcomed and should be sent to: Office of Emergency Services, Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, 2nd Floor, West Wing, 130 Colonnade Road, Nepean, Ontario, K1A 0K9.

Registration and Inquiry Service
91 Pages - 1,876 KB in PDF Format pdf