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National Research Council Canada

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2.0 Vision and goals

2.1 CISTI's Strategic Plan

The CISTI Strategic Plan 2005-2010 is based on the input of 180 stakeholders, including CISTI staff. At nine consultations held across the country, stakeholders voiced remarkably similar visions of the future for STM information. The plan outlines CISTI's strategy for developing information service offerings that respond to the needs of Canadian STM researchers in the digital age.

At the time of writing this business plan, CISTI is in the process of completing a mid-term review of its strategy; internal consultations with staff and external consultations with stakeholders have yet to be completed. A consultant's review in the first half of 2007 established that the vision, mission and goals outlined in the CISTI Strategic Plan 2005-2010 remain valid for 2007-2010.

One of the key findings of the strategic review was the need for CISTI to maintain and strengthen its role as the National Science Library.In the digital age, fast and seamless access to quality, up-to-date information is vitally important to the S&T research, health, corporate and industrial sectors of the economy. A direction that reflects CISTI's national mandate is to collaborate to develop components of the scientific information infrastructure, and to connect STM communities and content repositories in order to provide equitable access to STM information and knowledge discovery tools. 

NRC-CISTI Mission, Vision and Goals

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NRC-CISTI Core Functions

  • Enable access to STM information & data          
  • Enable dissemination of STM research             
  • Provide information intelligence services             

NRC-CISTI Programs

  • National Science Library
  • NRC Research Press
  • Information Intelligence Services