NRC-CISTI collection, the collection of the Canadian Agriculture Library (CAL), the collections of NRC-CISTI's Asian Partners and the NRC-CISTI-Myilibrary eBook Loans collection.
Discover puts millions of peer-reviewed STM journal articles at your fingertips. Pay by credit card and, in most cases, you will get the full text immediately.
NRC-CISTI Source is a research tool that combines access to searchable, online bibliographic databases with a notification service that alerts clients to new publications in hundreds of scientific, technical and medical disciplines.
Partnering with TechStreet, access industry codes and standards.
NRC-CISTI, Canada's national science library, offers a range of document delivery services, with prices and options to meet your needs.
The NRC Virtual Library is an intranet for NRC use only. The Virtual Library provides NRC researchers with access to more than 4,000 full-text electronic journals, 55 databases, 300 electronic reference books, and many other web-based resources.