NRC-CISTI is recognized as Canada's leader, and one of the world's foremost players, in publishing and disseminating STM information. NRC-CISTI ensures that Canadian researchers and entrepreneurs in the academic, industrial, health, and public sectors have access to the STM information needed to support their research and innovation activities that are essential to a vibrant Canadian economy.
NRC-CISTI is one of the few NRC institutes that have a legislated mandate. Originating in 1924 as the library serving the National Research Council, NRC-CISTI is mandated in the NRC Act to "establish, operate and maintain a national science library" and to "publish, sell and otherwise distribute scientific and technical information." To fulfill its mandate NRC-CISTI maintains and provides access to its STM information resources, and publishes and disseminates the results of Canadian and international research. NRC's publishing mandate was first fulfilled by the launching of the Canadian Journal of Research in 1929.
NRC-CISTI is accessible to Canadians, both virtually and locally. All sectors in Canada are served through NRC-CISTI's online services, consortium agreements with Canadian university libraries, support to the peer review publishing system, and close links with NRC's Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP). Located across the country, NRC-CISTI's 19 NRC Information Centres play a crucial role in providing information services to NRC researchers and supporting industry through NRC's community-based technology cluster activities.
The world of STM information has undergone rapid change since the advent of modern information technology and the Web. This evolution continues at an ever faster pace. Scientific libraries and publishers must constantly transform themselves to meet new challenges and opportunities. Operating at the forefront of this evolution, NRC-CISTI is a leader in developing and implementing innovative approaches to STM information access for Canadians. In the past this included compiling the first collective catalogue of scientific publications in Canadian libraries in 1965 and continues today with electronic document delivery to the user's desktop and free access for Canadians to the electronic publications of the NRC Research Press.
With the NRC-CISTI Strategic Plan 2005 – 2010, NRC-CISTI embarks on a transformative process that will see it become an increasingly technologically sophisticated library, publisher, and information provider, with a clear focus on providing Canadian researchers and entrepreneurs with the STM information, services, and tools that meet their needs and enhance their ability to derive value for Canada.