Bernard Dumouchel, Director General of NRC-CISTI, is retiring after 36 years of service to Canada's library community. He joined NRC-CISTI in 1987 as Director of Resource Development, and has been DG for the past 9 years.
Mr. Dumouchel has devoted himself to strengthening NRC-CISTI's position as a knowledge broker that provides high-value and specialized STM information and publishing services to researchers and entrepreneurs in the academic, private and public sectors. His vision has helped NRC-CISTI emerge as a driving force in the exploitation of scientific information for innovation, especially in harnessing the power of digital STM information. Under his leadership, NRC-CISTI has partnered with information organizations in Canada and abroad to develop a national "infostructure" to provide universal, seamless and permanent access to the world's STM information.
Mr. Dumouchel has held several positions in the broader library community, including Vice-chair of the Council of Federal Libraries, Vice-president of the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information, and President of the OCLC Canada Advisory Council. He was also a member of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries and the Association of Research Libraries.
He has been honoured by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries with the Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship Award in 2001 and by the National Research Council with an Outstanding Achievement Award in 2005.
Pam Bjornson is succeeding Mr. Dumouchel as NRC-CISTI's new Director General. She comes to the position following five years as NRC-CISTI's Director Business Affairs, where she was responsible for marketing, communications, and partnership development. She also managed the particularly critical challenges for NRC-CISTI of financial planning, risk management and overall business strategy development over this period. She is currently a member of the Advisory Board for the Canadian Research Knowledge Network and has previously held similar board and committee roles with other library-related organizations.
Ms. Bjornson has an MBA from the University of Ottawa, and brings 25 years of management experience to this position, including nine years as the Executive Director of, a not-for-profit organization established by the major Canadian university libraries and the National Library of Canada to preserve Canada's printed heritage and make the resulting collection accessible to research libraries in Canada and around the world.
With her solid management experience, her strong links to the library and publishing communities and her existing in-depth knowledge of NRC-CISTI and its programs, Pam is well equipped to build on NRC-CISTI's strong foundation and lead it towards a future that will be both challenging and exciting.
In other moves at NRC-CISTI, Suzanne Bureau, Director of Collection and Metadata Services (C&MS) is also retiring. She will devote her time to her passions: family and travel. For the past six years, Suzanne has been responsible for the selection, acquisition and cataloguing of NRC-CISTI materials, as well as the data management of the NRC-CISTI Catalogue and other bibliographic databases.
C&MS is now under the able leadership of Lucie Molgat, who brings 28 years' experience in the library and information management field, specializing in project management, systems development and integration, and transformation management. Lucie will also maintain her directorship of Canada' s scientific infostructure (Csi), a transformative initiative to establish an S&T information infrastructure that will support a national digital repository.
NRC-CISTI is also pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Michael Ireland to the position of Director, Information Access and Delivery (IAD), a wide-ranging responsibility that includes Document Delivery & Onsite Services, e-Information Services, the NRC e-Library and the NRC Web Office.
Michael has worked in a variety of positions of increasing responsibility in library acquisitions, cataloguing and document delivery at NRC-CISTI since 1982. He was Business Manager of Information Access and Delivery and Manager of Document Delivery, during the five years before he became Acting IAD Director in August 2005.
Most recently Michael has been working on initiatives to develop new NRC-CISTI products to meet the challenge of the new electronic environment such as the forthcoming online credit card article and eBook Loans ordering services. In his new role, he will be responsible for leading the development and provision of access and content delivery tools, services and expertise to facilitate discovery and exploitation of STM information from NRC-CISTI for Canadian research and innovation.