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DOCLINE Benefits to Borrowers

Using PubMed and LocatorPlus, you can quickly find citations for the articles you need and import them directly into DOCLINE. DOCLINE uses your routing table to select appropriate potential lenders and automatically forwards your request to each library in turn, until your request is filled.

Using DOCLINE potentially gives you access to the resources of libraries that would otherwise be inaccessible to you. In instances where your usual lending partners cannot supply an article, DOCLINE allows you to locate other libraries that might be able. You can also make DOCLINE automatically query a selection of resource libraries in the United States if your usual lenders cannot fill a request.

You can access the complete history of any request that you put into the system. You can determine which libraries have receipted your request and, if they have not filled it, the reason for not filling it.

DOCLINE Benefits to Lenders

Requests received through DOCLINE can be dealt with quickly and effectively. For each request you receive, DOCLINE indicates the requestor and the reason the request was sent to you. Information such as delivery instructions, the maximum cost the requestor is willing to pay, and any special instructions or comments are indicated on DOCLINE requests. If the requestor is a member of a group or consortium, this will be indicated on the form.

When you have determined whether or not you will fill a given request, you can use DOCLINE to indicate whether or not you will fill the request and, if not, the reason. DOCLINE supports the printing of barcode information directly on requests, allowing you to scan in request numbers instead of having to key them in when you want to lend or reject them.

DOCLINE Benefits to Loansome Doc Libraries

Offering Loansome Doc service to your users can save both library staff and end users time by allowing users to perform their own PubMed searches and place requests electronically through the DOCLINE system. If you do not hold the requested article in your own collection, the Loansome Doc request will indicate this and you have the ability to forward the request into DOCLINE as a normal ILL request.

Other Benefits to Using DOCLINE

DOCLINE provides statistical reports detailing your borrowing and lending activities. It also provides a number of holdings reports, including a formatted list of your own journal holdings. Other reports which will be available include a report of those titles whose holdings have not been recently updated and a union list of the combined journal holdings of each member of any library group of which you are a part.