Many of CISTI's special and custom services are available through DOCLINE.
You may order documents for urgent delivery using DOCLINE. To do so, you must include the text "CISTIURGENT" in the comments field of your request routing instructions. Don't forget to prefix your request to CISTI (ONCCIS) in order to guarantee that your request will be sent directly to CISTI and not to some other library on your routing table.
You can also add "Urgent Patient Care" or "Rush" to your DOCLINE default values by selecting the service from the Service level field in your DOCLINE Options. You can also add "Urgent Patient Care" or "Rush" on your Routing Instructions page by selecting the service from the Service level field. The level of service chosen will be sent with your requests to CISTI.
You can order both clean copies and colour copies from CISTI via DOCLINE. To order a clean copy you must include the text "CISTICLEAN" in the comments field of your routing instructions. To order a colour copy, choose the "Color Copy" option on the Docline Routing Instructions Screen. Clean and colour copies are always sent by courier; never by fax.
Once again, including these keywords does not mean that your request will automatically be sent to CISTI. In order to bypass your normal routing table and send the request directly to CISTI, you must prefix your request to ONCCIS.
Note that the keywords "CISTIURGENT" and "CISTICLEAN", must appear in all-uppercase. Also, because there are extra charges associated with each special or custom service, you should make sure that your maximum cost is set appropriately.