Saturday, March 04, 2006

Awareness or Ignorance?

Just over a month ago, I had the pleasure of taking part in a mock press conference. Its intention was to bring together a group representing both the arts community and arts organizations to discuss the state of arts journalism in Canada. It was in this environment that I initially met Alain Pineau.

Although it was not a main focus of many of the discussions throughout this conference, I believe that it is important to look at how arts and culture connect with the media -- especially in the heavily discussed context of public awareness. If our general public is tapping into the news media for information, then where better for them to discover the abundance of creativity that defines our artistic community? Where better for them to uncover everything from the quirky and experimental to the classic and traditional works, in order to relate to art and stimulate the growth of their love for it?

At this conference we all spoke a great deal about establishing alliances with other sectors in our society. Arts journalism is one of those sectors. I came to this conference as an aspiring arts journalist -- and because I think it's important for me to understand the issues and successes of the industry that enthrall me and motivates my words. Our nation deserves a media that engages audiences through less Hollywood, more homegrown. Our newsprint and glossy pages, our television screens and speakers, should all be overflowing with the voices of artists, as well as the voices of the industry. I also came to this conference knowing little about the issues of policies. Paint me positive, but maybe if the arts community and our media established a strong bond to focus on this great nation's work, the public would be informed about the trials and tribulations of artists. Maybe they seem to not care, because they just don't know.


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