Saturday, March 04, 2006

"A Legacy of Poetry"

Yesterday, as Salon E was slowly clearing out following an Artist and Creator's workshop I began to speak with Terry Ann Carter, of the League of Canadian Poets. First we spoke of the Japanese-style notebook that I had been scrawling notes in throughout the presentation, but soon it eveolved to our common interest- words.

Speaking to Terry, I realized that many of the challenges I face as an aspiring freelance magazine writer are very similar to those of the poets she represents. We spoke of financial insecurity, but also of public perception when pursuing a craft. She asked me how receptive my family has been about my goals to freelance instead of immediately entering the nine-to-five world, and while I have been fortunate within my own situation, we spoke of the stereotypes surrounding artists and the countless people they face, either peers or family, who don't understand struggling financially to do something you love.

Canada needs to support Canadian voices and stories of all backgrounds, in both official languages and embrace the vibrant culture Canada has to offer. While addressing the workshop group, Terry said that all Canadians must be proud and honour the "great legacy of poetry in this country."


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