Saturday, March 04, 2006

Feeling the Burn

Dave Hasbury's "Mr.Dressup" approach - facilitating and summarizing using diagrams and calm explanation - is very effective. He has made the weekend's process focused and filled with a (literally) colourful cultural element. We are "tired and cynical and most of us are old". We're beginning to feel burnt-out, but policy suggestions appropriate for our new Conservative Government are on the way. I feel like something real has been accomplished this weekend, even if I was skeptical at times about cyclical discussions taking place again and again.

It has been a blast. I am exhausted, mentally and physically, but I feel like I am going to take with me some very usefull insights into cultural policy. This conference has been an excellent introduction to the real life struggles that all sectors of culture in Canada face. I can definitely take everything I've learned with me in my studies at Carleton.

Thank you


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