Friday, March 03, 2006


Almost done the workshop now and it seems like we are no further than when we began. Everyone seems to be able to agree on the problems, although some may be more tailored to one area of media/culture/the arts than another.

I feel like our group is too large, or perhaps our seating arangements are not really conducive to the respectful, all-encompassing discussion I had anticipated. I feel like we keep coming back to a change in demographics, an age-gap, a paradigm shift, and yet, no-one seems compelled to involve the very youth they are concerned about - We're sitting among you my friends!

The CCA can be used as an example of a cultural group which has not only engaged youth, but also new technology merely by having University students blogging at this conference.

Anyway, I will end this now as I am being distracted by the conversation taking place around me.

-Laura Hall


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